Some in media called the latest Presidential Debate "anarchy" and even compared it to a street fight because of all of the testosterone in the room that night. One would have thought we had two alpha males circling each other like half naked gladiators or even acting like lions and tigers and bears, oh my. Good heavens, to hear tell, it was almost animalistic and such nice fodder for the pundits to boot.
As exciting as these two political 'warriors' may or may not have been, I prefer to remember this particular debate as a fight between a junk yard dog called Mr. President and a pampered, pretentious poodle called Bishop Romney.
Not having his facts together sealed the fate of the presidential not so hopeful Bishop Mitt Romney, when he foolishly went on the attack and for the President's throat, all the while grinning like the school yard bully he was and is, in school and during his governorship.
When Obama explained in detail how he had handled the recent attack on American ambassadors overseas, Mitt Romney (whose biggest debating tool is putting words in other people's mouths and who shows symptoms of taking testosterone shots before each debate) got so excited he began to stutter. Mitt then proceeded to stutter and sputter excitedly for quite some time before he regained what he thought was composure. These few seconds were later to become known as the very moment Romney really, really blew the debate.
Under pressure and trying hard not to giggle, Mitt Romney jumped on what he thought was a chance to paint the President of the United States a liar, this having to do with the first moment Obama called the embassy event a terrorist attack.
Romney was still grinning like a feces eating dog even after it was long apparent to Obama, the moderator and the public that he had no clue what the hell he was talking about. Mitt Romney didn't even realize it was obvious what he was up to until it was too late. Mind you, this is the same fool who thinks refusing to produce sufficient tax returns to the American public a/k/a "you people" is somehow acceptable to said American public.
Romney's understanding and overall handling of this particular foreign policy issue shows us he doesn't understand low level Whitehouse briefings, how to read a transcript or, perhaps, even how to Google. It also shows he can't pull any facts together to back up his bark and that he is willing to put political posturing before national security.
Per Romney, Obama's entire mid-east strategy of military pull out from the region and out from under the Bush wars is called into question because Romney disagrees with something he failed to understand. Maybe Mitt Romney's entire mid-east strategy is due a review, if and when the man ever actually produces one.
Bishop Romney gave the junkyard dog, Mr. President, the perfect opportunity to teach this privileged, pretentious poodle a lesson, a lesson in reality so hard that Mitt tucked tail in front of the alpha dog Obama and the American people. And, yes, Mitt Romney did just that for the remaining 15 or so minutes of the Presidential Debate. It's a wonder he didn't pee on the carpet.