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The FBI must have Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge take polygraph tests

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Michael Payne
Message Michael Payne

There is an effective way to get to the real truth in the confirmation process and determine whether Judge Brett Kavanaugh should become a Supreme Court Justice, and that is having the FBI conduct polygraph tests on the key individuals involved.

In the hearing conducted by the Senate Judiciary Committee it could not have been more obvious that this is a political struggle between Republicans who want him confirmed no matter what and Democrats who believe that the judge is guilty of the charges brought against him; and that this, plus his temperament and demeanor during his last testimony, make him unqualified to become a Supreme Justice.

Republican senators say that his chief accuser, Doctor Ford, is credible but, nonetheless, have made up their minds that they want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. So I guess we should then just ignore the sexual misconduct., right?

The president and the GOP leadership in the Senate have agreed to let the FBI conduct a further investigation into the charges against Kavanaugh but have put a one-week limit on it.

So the best way to determine whether Ford or Kavanaugh is lying is the polygraph, aka, a lie detector test. Ford has already taken and passed such a test.

Have Doctor Ford take another polygraph test to see if it agrees with the first one. Then have Kavanaugh do the same to see if he is telling the truth. If she passes the test and he doesn't then he should be disqualified and a new candidate selected.

In addition, the FBI should also conduct one with Mark Judge, the third person who Ford says was directly involved. If Judge, together with Kavanaugh, don't pass their tests then that will tell the committee that Ford is most certainly telling the truth.

Now there are many who would say that this should not be done because polygraph tests are not 100% accurate, that their accuracy is about 90%. Well, they must be an effective tool to determine the real truth if the FBI uses them routinely in their investigations. If not the case then the FBI would have discontinued them years ago.

Think about this: what is the better way to find out if Kavanaugh is being truthful? Is it his overall credibility versus that of Ford which is the old "he versus she" scenario that is of no real value or, rather, a polygraph test that is 90% accurate?

With the very short time that the FBI was given to look into this matter, and with so many areas that need to be investigated, these polygraph tests may be the only way to determine who is telling the truth and who is lying.

Ford has said that Mark Judge was in the room when she was being attacked but no one else, at least so far, can support her contention. If Judge is merely asked if he was there and saw what happened he can easily deny it and that could strike down the accusations.

The FBI should give him no choice but to submit to such a test and tell him that if he is found to have lied that he will spend time in jail. He could well then decide that he is not going to take that chance, speak the truth, and then the test would not be necessary. Then it would be Ford and Judge's word against Judge Kavanaugh and he would be disqualified.

Let's put it this way. If there is any real doubt about whether Kavanaugh is telling the truth, if he gives the appearance of evading the truth, then that plus the polygraph test, should tell the committee members to select someone else.

In these proceedings, the Republicans have clearly shown that they are old, angry, white men who will always take the side of men who are accused of sexual misconduct and try to discredit the women accusers who seek justice. That's the way they have dealt with these situations for a long time.

Jeff Flake is the only Republican who has exhibited true integrity in these proceeding and he should be commended for standing up for what is right; instead of embracing his party's political ideology. He has agonized over this situation and made a difficult decision to demand a further FBI investigation.

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