When you name a painting, "The Hidden Maiden' as I did, you cease to involve the audience in the process. Then why did I? I tried many titles, and none of it came close to the first choice of, with unintended Victorian overtones, Hidden Maiden.
Now when someone sees the painti ng, they know there is a woman, possibly more, if seen closely. Hadn't I given an obvious title, it could have been a revelation, a pleasant surprise. I can, of course, change the title, and let people discover it. However, I can't bring myself to add another one to the ever growing list of "abstracts'.
This painting was done with oil paint and charcoal. I tried charcoal to accentuate the white space, something I tend to disregard. The hidden maiden, is not the result of this experimentation, rather it is the play of colours.
That said, if you have a different name, let me know.