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The Problem with Hillary and the DNC

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Janet Loughrey
Message Janet Loughrey

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the Human Rights Day Town Hall Meeting
Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the Human Rights Day Town Hall Meeting
(Image by U.S. Department of State)
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A funny thing happened on the way to Hillary Clinton's presumptive nomination as Democratic candidate for President: most Democrats don't seem to care that her likely nomination was obtained by highly questionable means.

During the primaries, there were many well-documented instances of voter suppression and fraud on the part if the DNC, under the leadership of chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Across the country, election fiascos were commonplace, with Hillary the beneficiary. According to this comprehensive and well-researched report, "24 out of 26 discrepancies in exit polls are in Hillary's favor, exceeding the margin of error in 11 primaries. The probability of this happening is 1 in 77 billion." In other words, the odds that there was no fraud are virtually nil. http://www.democracyintegrity.org/ElectoralFraud/just-doing-the-math.html

Progressive Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders, whose birth state is New York, was deprived of an estimated tens of thousands of votes in his home town of Brooklyn. There were many problems in other parts of the state as well, with emergency lawsuits filed over the massive purging of voters from rolls. Many independents who switched their affiliation to Democrat in order to vote for Sanders showed up to polling places, only to find out that there was no party affiliation listed on their registration, which prevented them from voting. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/hundreds-ny-voters-file-lawsuit-alleged-voter-fraud-article-1.2603876

In Ohio, voters were automatically purged from rolls if they hadn't voted in 8 years, without any notification. Arizona's own Secretary of State admitted that election fraud occurred there, costing Bernie an estimated 22% of the vote. http://www.salon.com/2016/03/31/the_arizona_secretary_of_state_confirmed_election_fraud_occurred_in_the_states_primary/

In multiple places, including Rhode Island, New York, Arizona, and Puerto Rico, a fraction of the regular polling places were open, or hours were shortened, forcing long lines and preventing some from voting at all. Provisional or absentee ballots were issued in many primaries when regular ballots should have been available. It's been well documented that these alternate ballots have less chance of being counted.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. The voting irregularities are so vast, that there is no way of knowing who actually received the most votes. Since most of the irregularities favored Hillary, it casts serious doubt on the legitimacy of her presumed nomination. In the past, it was Republicans who were notorious for engaging in such unsavory tactics. According to The Electoral Integrity Project, the US scores 26th out of 66 democratic countries in the world for integrity of its elections, behind Micronesia, with one of the lowest voter turnouts of any developed nation.

As these sham primaries unfolded, I occasionally posted about them on Facebook. My posts were met with derision and open hostility, not just from virtual acquaintances, but by friends and professional peers. I was called delusional, emotionally unbalanced, a conspiracy theorist, and a sore loser. More than one person said that if I didn't get in line behind Hillary, that it was the same as a vote for Donald Trump.

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Janet Loughrey is a freelance photographer and writer based in Portland, Oregon. She is the author of "Gardens Adirondack Style" and has written on topics including horticulture, photography, global warming, the environment and politics. Her new (more...)
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