Even though with both the left and right criticizing Obama he still has accomplished a lot and I believe he will do even more as we begin the second half of his first term. Â I wanted to vent in angry indignation in my writing how I was not satisfied with the progression of change but as I researched my point of view I have found that Obama hasn't done so bad after all.
Two years after I voted for change it seems that we have the same ole USA. Â The financial institutions still have the foxes watching the henhouse, we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan, we have no coherent energy policy, with vast amounts of wealth being transferred to our enemies and adversaries, health care is in the hands of the for profit healthcare industry, the economy is still on the brink with unacceptable levels of unemployment, and the congress critters can't seem to be civil until after one of their own is nearly assassinated by some mentally deranged man that has no political agenda, but each side of the political isle wants to claim this crazy SOB is one of the opposition. Â
With the house now under Republican control Obama's ambitious agenda will certainly be compromised further but give the guy a break, look what he inherited from the last administration and look at the pinheads he has to work with" Â
Keep in mind Obama does not write the laws. Congress does that, he can only veto what he doesn't like and congress can override that.
Turn off the Beck's, Limbaugh's, Olberman's, Madow's and delete your chain emails, check for yourselves what is fact and what is not. Â Read the constitution. It's not that long and you can even listen to it on youtube.
The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises
If you disagree with a point of view at least come up with an intelligent argument of why you don't and a solution or compromise of your own. Â Don't let the pundits turn us into a mob or a bunch of parrots repeating the lies or half truths. Â Remember we are all American's and we better all hang together or our enemies foreign and domestic will hang us one at a time.
Peace, liberty, and Prosperity through intelligence, strength, and integrity.