If you have lost a brother or a sister, a son or a daughter in the disaster that is the Iraq war, it is of the utmost importance that you fully grasp the means by which the enormous hoax was concocted - deliberately and with intent - by officials at the highest levels of your government. In reckless disregard of the known facts, with George W Bush at the center, these officials perpetrated a carefully designed fraud on the citizens of the United States that has resulted in the deaths of, indeed literally, countless people.
Centered around the recently released book by Vince Bugliosi, "The Prosecution of George W Bush for Murder", a two-day conference consisting of very learned, realistic and influential persons has been organized and will convene on September 13, 2008 in Andover, Mass, to explore the legal grounds by which Bush and his fellow conspirators can be brought to justice for a variety of war crimes, the most important, being murder - thousands of counts.
Please attend this symposium if you are able to, or add your voice to this critical event in any way that you can. With over a month to prepare, please help to spread the word, to make this a subject of discussion, to take back our country from those that have hijacked it. To serve clear notice to those future tyrants and professional liars of high position that have designs to manipulate public opinion - to manufacture consent through fear and revenge.
My message to the organizers and advocates of the upcoming conference that will explore the genuine potential for prosecuting George W Bush for murder:
Dear Sirs/Madams;
Regarding your upcoming conference on the prosecution of George W Bush for murder, I enthusiastically commend, support and applaud your brave actions.
Hijacked by a genuine criminal cabal, America seems to be coming apart at the seams, and this conference serves as a remarkable beacon of hope for countless Americans - and Iraqis citizens - that have been betrayed about the most serious of matters.
If this band of thugs - with Bush at the center - is allowed to escape, with the incredible damage done to a nation of over 300 million Americans in their wake, I dread the future tyrants. The tyrants with hidden agendas, the poorly disguised dictators that disdain and pervert democratic processes, the puppets of the shadow government - the real power hierarchy that hides behind the curtain.
Small groups of powerful persons - with virtual dictatorial control over immense numbers of people - always contains the potential for disaster, for abuse, for repression. The pursuit of hidden, insideous agendas by persons wielding government power are far to common in America's history.
Great energy and realistic plans must be formulated in order to get this important event acknowledged and reported by the mainstream media. This conference must be widely recognized for it's validity and it's historic significance.
I sincerely wish that there was a way to incorporate the desperate need for a genuine, robust investigation of the attacks of 911 into this assembly of level-headed, professional and influential persons. Simply stated, everything flowed from those horrible attacks and the whitewash, commonly referred to as the '911 Investigative Commission' that was perpetrated on the American people was a travesty that followed the disaster.
Using genuine subpoena power in order to question, under oath, several dozen critical officials, (most importantly, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld and Myers), in the failures to foresee and prevent the attacks of 911 would undoubtedly reveal a concerted effort - a conspiracy to fail. A failure to act that was carefully designed to change the world.
Best regards,
Michael McCoy
Conference on Prosecuting High Level American War Criminals | Free Press Release Distribution Now!
Planning For The Prosecution of High Level American War Criminals