Whenever the US State Department puts out politically motivated regime change propaganda about North Korea, the mainstream media turns it into fearmongering and sensational quacks to incite hatred and war hysteria.
The US does not care how much chaos, death and destruction that it would cause by regime change. As Madeleine Albright said about regime change in Iraq when she was Secretary of State in the 1990's: 500,000 dead children are "worth it" if it accomplishes US foreign policy goals. The admitted North Korea foreign policy goal of the US is regime change and the mainstream quacks are co-conspirators.
According to the precedent set during the Nuremburg Trials after WW2, the mainstream media could be charged with war crimes for inciting the public to support illegal wars of aggression. The mainstream media could not possible be unaware of its shameful irresponsibility for publicizing hatred, fear, hysteria and war fever against North Korea.
On command the quacks have a 750 word article or a 2 minute broadcast that it can retch up without even tickling the back of its throat with a duck feather. Below is the top ten orgy. All of it is highly exaggerated, half-truths and outright lies.
1. Kim Jong-un is paranoid, unpredictable and irrational.
2. North Korea is an isolated country that refuses to talk to the U.S.
3. Kim Jong-un is threatening the world with his nuclear program.
4. Kim Jong-un is building a long-range missile so that he can attack the US mainland with a nuclear bomb.
5. North Korea is a poor country, its people are starving, and from a satellite the country can be seen to go dark at night because of no electricity.
6. North Korea is an aggressive country that attacked another country in a surprise and unprovoked attack that started the Korean War.
7. Russia instigated North Korea to attack South Korea in an effort to spread worldwide communism.
8. The North Korean people are brainwashed into believing that Kim Jong-un is a god that can walk on water.
9. The US put a ban on travel to North Korea because it is too dangerous for American tourists.
And the all-time loser on the wall of shame is:
10. North Korea proves that communism does not work, because South Korea became a highly developed country under democracy and free-market capitalism; while North Korea remained backward and poor.
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