Donald Trump is Birtherizing Joe Biden. The whole time Barack Obama was president, Trump plagued Obama with constant accusations that he was not a US citizen, that he didn't have proof, didn't have a birth certificate. This birtherization movement was a big part of the cultization of Trump's supporters. Now he's doing it, in "act II" with Joe Biden.
Trump Promotes Racist Birther Lie About Kamala Harris
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Trump can dig, like a tick, even deeper, before the inauguration, doing all he can to inflict damage on Biden, even blocking him from a healthy transition of power. He is using the accusations of fraud to inflame his supporters beliefs in Democratic presidential illegitimacy, just as he did with Obama. Except now, there's even more at stake. He might actually derail Biden's ascent to power, as Greg Palast and Thom Hartmann describe in this three minute video.
But even if Trump can't stop the inauguration, history teaches us that the claims of Biden's election being corrupted by fraud and illegitimate will never end. Trump rabble roused millions of supporters to believe an birtherism and now, he will be doing a Biden version of birtherism. So get used to it. And don't even consider harboring the fantasy that facts, evidence or reality will have any effect on Trump's or his supporters claims.
The Biden administration and the Democratic party have to deal with this reality. The fact that Mitch McConnell and so many Republican leaders have failed consciously chosen not to acknowledge Biden's win suggests that the threat Palast and Hartmann discussion of a constitutional Article II coup possibility. That means that some states with Republican controlled legislatures or Governors may attempt to void the Biden electors and send the presidential election to the House of Representatives, where, the way the process is set up, Trump would win.
Biden and the Democratic leadership are not taking this with enough seriousness. They are still deludedly thinking that the 70 million people who voted for Trump will peacefully accept the loss. Well, maybe half of them will, but there is a core of Trump supporters who were also Birthers. And they are NEVER going to accept that Biden is a legitimate president.
Penn Jillette writes, in an Op-Ed,
" I used to think I disagreed with Joe Biden on most everything, but I voted for him. I wanted the other guy fired and I wanted Joe hired and for me the job description is now very simple. I need Joe to love all the Trump supporters. I don't care if Joe raises taxes. I don't care if Joe helps add stupid, counterproductive regulations. I don't care about anything except love and kindness.I've never seen Joe as a hero, but now we need a Nelson Mandela. We need MLK. And it needs to be Joe. We need someone who can love the people who hated him and lied about him. He must rise to the occasion.
That's a noble vision. But The Trump supporters will not love Joe Back. They are people who have embraced a man who has, perhaps the worst character, the lowest integrity of any person who has risen high in government. Trump makes Richard Nixon look like a sterling character. And these people, with eyes wide open, voted for a pathological liar who, because of his political calculations, allowed over 100,000 people die.
The situation reminds me of a favorite, really classic scene in the Kevin Costner movie, The Postman (which has been getting a lot of attention lately because in the movie, the postal service has died along with the US Government) The bad guy, leader of a brutal, murderous military regime in a post-apocalyptic America, has captured to "postmen" and is about to execute them by firing squad. Then one of the postmen asks the other his name. The first replies that he's a postal carrier with the restored California Republic. He then asks the other man who he his. When he finds he's the first postmaster Kostner inspired, he turns and shakes his hand with great awe. The bad guy, realizing that this movement is much bigger than he imagines, stops the execution and says, "This will never be over."
The rejection of Biden as the legitimate president will NEVER be over. In the movie, The Postman, Kevin Costner finally kills the cheating, lying lowlife leader. That won't happen in this real world. But the real world equivalent may be the prosecution, conviction, sentencing and jailing of Trump and his family. Utnil then, assume that Trump will, even if he loses his legal machinations, continue to reject Biden as president and Harris as vice president. And Trump has already started a birther narrative about Kamala Harris.
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