This type of collaborationist run elections in U.S. occupied Afghanistan and Iraq is presently being slowly extended to Somalia and Yemen and without the need to have so many U.S. troops and personnel on the ground thanks to Predator Drones, Hellfire Missiles and helpful policing by nations within the orbit of the Anglo-American Empire, like Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia along with its allies in NATO.
The genre of "imperialist democracy' seems destined to spread to even more 3rd World nations as U.S. military technological advances make it increasingly feasible. It might come to be described as "Drone Democracy,' as armed opposition to its acceptance is vaporized in a blink by all seeing eyes in the sky.
If Americans are going to continue to countenance its media and politicians ridiculously praising incredibly corrupt collaborationist governments attempting, but failing, to control societies in nations conquered by imperial America, they should, for their own protection, study some history. America had already experienced a backlash from its inhuman foreign policies, even before it created the massive death, destruction and prolonged loss of facilities providing services basic to life during its military invasions and occupations in the first decade of the new millennium.
Though as a rule just as brutal, the French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese and Italians could at least all point to modestly successful efforts to provide some basic services to the populations of their empires' violent occupations of defenseless countries. These proclaimed benefits for a people tortured and subjugated in order to have their resources exploited are now similarly being claimed by U.S. leaders to defend the clumsy homicidal attempts of Americans to run their empire humanely.
There will probably be further reckoning before Americans awake to who and what they have become and insist on the change they deluded themselves to expect from the results of the 2010 election.
See earlier Jay Janson OEN article related to elections under foreign occupation:
Imperialist Media Hails Democratic Elections Under Murderous US Occupation, 8/29/09
Once Bush II gaffed, "We cannot accept that there can be free democratic elections in a country under foreign military occupation". Slipped his mind Afghan and Iraq elections were being held under violent US occupation. Colonial democracy? Human rights? Not even the right not to be suddenly blown to pieces. Real freedom for the dead. That NO Afghani attacked the US or elsewhere unimportant.No right to fight US & Co. invaders
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