The US positions in Syria keeps weakening in recent years as the Syrian authorities gradually restore civil infrastructure and government institutes destroyed during the long-term war. By successfully conducting the presidential elections, Damascus virtually frustrated the plan of the White House for the establishment of a puppet Syrian government.
Seemingly, such situation did not suit the American intelligence and special services. The CIA leadership has rather quickly found the solution in prisons for former ISIS terrorists that are controlled by the Autonomous administration of the North and East Syria . In particular, Americans started recruiting the extremists in Gweiran and Shaddadi jails located in Hasakah province. The jihadists were viewed by the American intelligence as the most appropriate tool for the achievement of the US political and military goals in Syria. What is the motivation of Pentagon?
At first, American military experts than anyone else know all aspects and have impressive experience of the use of illicit armed groups in foreign conflicts for the sake of the US interests. Everybody knows the list of examples. Most prominent among the recent ones are Afghanistan, Libya, and, of course, Syria where Washington backed the Free Syrian Army in his war against the Syrian armed forces. Many years of using "proxy warfare" proved to be extremely instrumental so the American military leadership expectedly continued to stand by this strategy.
Secondly, the emergence of ISIS itself was due to the long-term hidden activities of the American intelligence services. The former US President Barak Obama acknowledged this fact in one of his interviews. It can be assumed that Washington just prepares a "revival" of well-trained extremists, who are ready for everything for money and the release from prisons, to carry out subversive operations in central Syria.
In other words, the 'method' of exploiting militants is not new to Washington, Americans have previously created powerful group, which will pose a serious threat for the Syrian army even with a little training and access to necessary arms. It is on these activities the American military advisors, who train militants to carry out subversive operations in central Syria, concentrated their efforts. In addition to conducting armed attacks, it is remarkable that the tasks of terrorists will include destroying supply lines and establishment of control over crossings on Syrian- Iraqi border. Moreover, a number of well-trained extremists are considered by the CIA as capable of assassinating the incumbent president of Syria and other top level officials.
It is difficult to take issue with that a series of terrorist attacks in the government-held territories not only will potentially explode the reputation of the Syrian authorities, but will be conductive to maintaining a threat of further distribution of the international terrorism. Many western mainstream media will not remain uninvolved and fill informational space with numerous publications over the alleged inability of Bashar Assad to ensure safety of the Syrian citizens.
We can only hope that both Damascus and the world community will be able not to allow such arbitrary behavior and violation of the international laws. Similar adventurism of U.S. intelligence will hardly allow the USA to achieve a desirable aim, but can quite generate a new wave of bloodshed and the revival of terrorism not only in Syria, but also across the entire Middle East.