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US engine of creativity and innovation stuck in neutral, needs to shift into high gear

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Michael Payne
Message Michael Payne


How many times have we heard it said that America is the leader, the exceptional nation in the world? Countless, endless. Sad to say that's no longer the case and has not been for some time. America's engine of creativity and innovation has been stalled and must be restarted again with new, more powerful fuel.

When did we see the last great, creative, innovative development take place in this country? It was the creation of the internet that began in the late 1960s, with further development over a period of several decades, until the world wide web became a reality in about 1990.

e seen many creative and innovative developments in the medical field that have kept America right at the top of those world rankings. Those in this field are still coming up with other great solutions to serious medical conditions.

Unfortunately in the associated fields of the US healthcare and the manufacture of prescription drugs that has simply not been the case. Medical coverage for Americans lags far behind that of the other 31 developed nations of the world. This extremely costly system, with its massive paperwork requirements, with many Americans not having coverage, is like a person with a very serious medical condition that is not being addressed.

In the field of prescription drugs there is a huge problem in that some 80 percent of the ingredients in U.S.-branded pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter drugs come from either China or India, with the largest majority of them coming from China; and, as we know China is at the center of the coronavirus problem in the world.

How in the world has this US government, over some time, allowed the manufacture of these ingredients to be taken over by China? That is as reckless and irresponsible as it can be, and it is all because of Corporate America's #1 objective is to make profits paramount. Because of the coronavirus, it appears that the supply of those ingredients will be hugely impacted and this will become a national security issue.

Let's talk about education, critically important to any nation, and where the US stands in world rankings. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), regularly does these rankings and here is what it concluded between 2018 and 2019. The study included students from some 80 nations and their.scholastic performance in mathematics, science, and reading.

The average score for the combined math, science, and reading for the US was 25th in the world. I have monitored this OECD world ranking process over the years and the US result has continuously been in that area of 25th. In the category of science, it was 18th and in math, it was so bad let's not even talk about it. This is mega-miles from being exceptional.

Our national infrastructure: the quality and condition of the US infrastructure, based on various studies, ranks from 10th to 13th, a very sad state of affairs, and a national embarrassment to say the least.

The electric car, with Tesla leading the way, is one of the few really creative, innovative moves into the future that we have recently seen.

Concerning the US space program, in late July of 2019, Igor Arbuzov, the head of Russia's major rocket engine manufacturer JSCf, NPO Energomash, said his company had signed a new agreement with the United Launch Alliance on the delivery of six RD-180 rocket engines for Atlas V rockets, with delivery in 2020.

How is it that we have had to depend on Russia to supply these engines for all these years instead of building our own?

The US has no bullet trains, not even any form of high-speed rail systems. Japan, China, and European countries like Germany, Italy, and Spain have had them for years.

"Many countries have built and developed high-speed rail to connect major cities, including Belgium , China , Denmark , France , Germany , Italy , Japan , Morocco , The Netherlands , Russia , Saudi Arabia , South Korea , Spain , Sweden , Taiwan , Turkey , the United Kingdom , and Uzbekistan . Only in Europe does high-speed rail cross international borders. China had 29,000 kilometers (18,000 mi) of high-speed rail as of December 2018, accounting for two-thirds of the world's total." [

China is developing a magnetic levitation bullet train that will hit 370 mph.

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