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General News    H2'ed 12/3/17

[Video] "The people are the sovereign," "Corruption is the existential risk," "Bibi go home!"

Joseph Zernik
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Tens of thousands of anti-corruption demonstrators packed Tel-Aviv's Rothschild Avenue on Saturday night.

(Image by Sigalit Kesler (by permission))   Details   DMCA

Figure. Sigalit Kesler speaking Saturday night in a large Tel-Aviv demonstration against government corruption, calling for Netanyahu to go home (by permission - Sigalit Kesler).

Video Saturday night demonstration in Tel-Aviv (by Yaffa Friedman): https://www.facebook.com/yaffa.friedman/videos/2005729919442972/

(Image by David Merhav (by permission))   Details   DMCA

Figure. December 02, 2017 -- Saturday night demonstration against government corruption, calling upon Netanyahu to step down (by permissions David Merhav).


Tel-Aviv, December 02 -- tens of thousands packed Tel-Aviv's Rothschild's Avenue on Saturday night in the largest demonstration so far against government corruption. Sigalit Kesler, standing on the steps of the same house, where the Declaration of Independence was read 70 years ago, called "The people are the sovereign", "corruption is the existential risk", "Bibi go home!", "we are declaring independence from the corruption!"

Other speakers included Prof Uzi Arad, Netanyahu's National Security Adviser and head of the Israeli National Security Council between 2009 and 2011. Arad, who was one of the Netanayhu's closest confidants turned into one of Netanyahu's fiercest critics, basically concurring that corruption is plaguing Netanyahu's government, becoming the highest national security risk, surpassing Iran.

The program included additional speakers and rapper Big Kwame' (an Israeli version). The demonstration concluded with a procession along Rothschild Avenue to the HaBima national theater square. The mood was enraged, loud, and joyful. No violence whatsoever. Large part of the crowd was middle-aged or older"

What triggered the large demonstration was a series of bills by Netanahu's Likud party, trying to shield him from investigation and prosecution. [1]

(Image by Public)   Details   DMCA

Figure. Social networks poster for the December 31, 2016 Saturday night demonstration in front of Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit's residence: "Bibi is afraid of Meni", showing police violence against Meni Naftali.


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Dr Zernik's core research pertains to e-government and its significance for Human Rights and Civil Society.

His work won appreciation in Israel and abroad: * Prof Uzzi Ornan - "All power to you! I hope that you see your tremendous efforts (more...)
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