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Israeli bloggers and the vengeful judges: Judge Abraham Heiman's despicable fraud upon the court

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Joseph Zernik
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On October 26, a spectacle was performed in the Tel-Aviv District Court, which was perceived by many as a court hearing, where Judge Abraham Heiman ordered the extreme and unusual, ongoing detention of bloggers Lori Shem-Tov and Moti Leybel for the duration of their criminal prosecution. Now, indisputable evidence has emerged, showing that Judge Heiman engaged in fraud upon the court, and the Israel Prison Service is holding the bloggers in custody with no lawful foundation - arbitrary arrest. Conditions in the Israeli courts are clear and present danger to Liberty and Human Rights.

(Image by Public - generated by permission from photos of the prisoners themselves)   Details   DMCA

(Image by Public - official state photo of judge heiman)   Details   DMCA

Figures. Political prisoners Lori Shem-Tov and Moti Leybel, Judge Abraham Heiman


Tel-Aviv, October 29 - on October 26, an unusual hearing was purportedly conducted in the Tel-Aviv District Court for reviewing the ongoing detention of the defendants in the Bloggers and Vengeful Judges affair. In such hearing, conducted in open court, in the presence of the defendants and their counsel, Judge Abraham Heiman purportedly rendered an unprecedented decision, ordering the bloggers' continued detention for the duration of their prosecution. Arguing for their release to house arrest, defense counsel had cited in a previous hearing a long list of murder and organized-crime cases, where defendants were released to house arrest. The prosecution had argued that the bloggers were unusually dangerous. Among the arguments: "Negative feelings regarding the authorities", "they are active in the social sphere, and influence others", "they have followers, who show up for court hearings, believe that the Defendants are innocent, and that their long detention is abusive".

At the end of the October 26 spectacle in the Tel-Aviv District Court, the defendants were taken back to jail by the Israel Prison Service, purportedly based on Judge Abraham Heiman's decision. [i]

Lori Shem-Tov and Moti Leybel are activists, who protested against corruption of the family courts in general, and in particular against the taking of children from their biological parents - mostly, poor parents). The issue of taking children from their parents has plagued Israel for its entire history. First -- as stealing children by the authorities, and more recently -- under the guise of court actions. [ii]

The Israeli authorities consider Shem-Tov and Leybel "internet terror ring". Both have been detained by now for 8 months - since late February 2017.

Lori Shem Tov and Moti Leybel are in fact political prisoners in Israel. [iii]

The case also raises questions regarding US DHS involvement in the repression of social protest in Israel, a matter that is likely to become a key issue in this case, based on publications, which were maintained by US-based Wordpress. [iv]

An epidemic of fraud in the courts

But was the October 26 truly a court hearing, pursuant to the law of the State of Israel? Or was it only an "informal, off-the-record hearing"? And was a lawful decision ever rendered regarding the bloggers' ongoing detention? Or are they perhaps held under arbitrary, unlawful arrest by the Israel Prison Service?

Such questions are not typically raised by the public, which trusts what they see in court to be a true court hearing. However, in Israel, since the 2010 transition to electronic court-file management and implementation of Net-HaMishpat case-management system an epidemic of fraud by judges has erupted.

Such circumstances have been documented in academic papers, which were presented and published, subject to peer-review in international e-government conferences. [v]

The best detailed case of such fraud upon the court is the Judge Varda Alshech "Fabricated Protocols" scandal (2011-2013). Alshech generated falsified court-hearing protocols and ordered their use to initiate a retaliatory semi-criminal process against an attorney, who appeared before her.

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Dr Zernik's core research pertains to e-government and its significance for Human Rights and Civil Society.

His work won appreciation in Israel and abroad: * Prof Uzzi Ornan - "All power to you! I hope that you see your tremendous efforts (more...)
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