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We cannot #endAIDS if we blindly depend on the Global North

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We cannot #endAIDS if we blindly depend on the Global North


Profit cannot be centrestage if we are to end AIDS. People most at risk needs to be centre-stage in driving AIDS response
Profit cannot be centrestage if we are to end AIDS. People most at risk needs to be centre-stage in driving AIDS response
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If we look back over the past four decades since the first case of HIV was diagnosed, we cannot miss the stark writing on the wall: had the whole world depended only on the rich nations of the Global North, then we would have miserably failed to deliver lifesaving antiretroviral therapy to over 28.7 million people living with HIV by end of 2021. It will also become amply clear how vital remains the central driving force of key affected communities as well as the Global South in making medicines affordable and accessible. Rich nations have spurred health innovations indeed. But it is the people most at risk of HIV and the countries in the Global South that have made the dream partially come true of making these scientific breakthroughs reach those who are most in need.

With 101 months left to end AIDS by 2030, countries globally have to ensure 100% people living with HIV know their status, 100% of them are receiving lifesaving antiretroviral therapy along with full spectrum of HIV care cascade, and are virally suppressed. In addition, 100% of people should have full access to HIV combination prevention options so that we can deliver on zero new case targets. "We do not have to wait till 2030, we already have the tools and approaches which science has proven that they work. We have to implement what we know works," said Dr Ishwar Gilada, Governing Council member of International AIDS Society (IAS) and President of AIDS Society of India (ASI) - a national network of HIV medical experts and researchers. Dr Gilada was chairing a press conference hosted by ASI and Organized Medicine Academic Guild of India at the 24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022) in Montreal, Canada.

92% HIV medicines globally come from India

"Currently 92% of lifesaving antiretroviral therapy for people living with HIV worldwide comes from Indian generic manufacturers. Compared to the price of these medicines in the Global North, credit goes to most affected communities and Indian generic medicine manufacturers who have made medicines affordable. Most of the generic antiretroviral medicines cost 1% or less when compared to the cost of the same in rich nations. For example, best available three-in-one medicine was costing USD 10,452 per patient per year, but lowest quoted cost from Indian generic manufacturers is USD 69, which is merely 0.7% of international cost. Likewise, cost of treatment of those infected with hepatitis C virus was USD 84,000 for three months therapy, but Indian manufacturers have brought down the cost to as low as USD 215 - which is less than 0.3% of international cost," added Dr Gilada.

If we are to scale up lifesaving medicines along with full spectrum of HIV care services, particularly in low and middle-income countries, role of countries in the Global South, such as India, is pivotal.

Agrees Dr Beatriz Grinsztejn, President-Elect of International AIDS Society (IAS): "India as one of the biggest producers of generic medicine, has been able to develop, produce, and export generic antiretroviral treatments which are key for scaling up access to these medicines." She strongly advocated for boosting South-South cooperation on health.

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