We can no longer allow privileged Americans to think of us as possessions or servants to their insular realities. White racist corporatists have culturally subjugated millions using fear, hatred and lies to protect their oligarchic privilege.
We find ourselves nearly alone in a struggle, with few people willing to stand with us. Even our definitions of pain are dismissed for the comfortability of those that have benefited from our centuries of pain and struggle.
The Southern Strategy has been so effective that lies have become reality for millions when it's attached to the Black collective or a Black president. People need reason to excuse themselves for their hatred and bigotry by fantasizing untruths about who we are as a people and ignore their responsibility of being their brother's keepers.
President Obama has never suggested gun confiscation yet for the entirety of his term in office white racist people have used that damnable lie to give justification for their ire toward the greatest president in their life time.
Black people harangue Black Lives Matter in defense of our humanity and some majorities' scream back "all lives matter" as if our articulation of our pain was at the exclusion of all other life.
Truth, American law of state is at the exclusion of Black life. Stand your Ground, concealed carry, open carry, private prisons, war on drugs, voter caging and voter suppression, gerrymandering, summary executions makes America's creeds exclusively for benefit of the "privileged" and our (Black) nightmares.
There is a psychological unspoken truth why millions of American's are so uncomfortable with BLM voicing centuries of our tears and pain of summary executions.
Fear of Black life is predicated on centuries of race hatred and BLM has to be demonized to justify this nation's unwillingness to change. America's dirty little secret, race hatred has been this nation's cash cow for the entirety of this country's history.
To admit that Black lives matter would destroy almost everything American. America has not taken a step forward without Native and Black people's blood on its feet.
To admit that Back lives matter would destroy a major political party and of all talk radio and network and cabal television. The Southern Strategy is a RICO crime. There are trillions of dollars of commerce dependent on whites voting against their best interest.
Wall Street would crash if BLM was recognized as fact because, up until now, the lives of Black people have never mattered to this nation's majorities.