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Voters and Elected representatives of The United States of America.
This is a heartfelt plea from a fellow citizen.
Remember the oath of office? The part where it said "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same"?
A respected member of the Senate of The United States of America has declared that domestic enemies have declared war on us. They have used great wealth to purchase control of Congress through a corrupt campaign-finance system. Most of us had an inkling that we were no longer represented in Congress, but we didn't know why. Senator Bernie Sanders has explicitly made this accusation against a group of large corporations and billionaires, including the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson.
It is understandable that, even though you may have taken money from them and maybe even voted for some legislation that benefitted them, you gave no thought to the deeper implications of a system that rewards political contributions with favorable legislation because that is "just politics". But it is time to wake up. Senator Sanders could not wake you up by giving impassioned speeches in the Senate. I ask that you review those speeches, many of which were given in an empty Senate chamber. That is why he has been forced to run for President... to get your attention.
Unfortunately, as a citizen, I do not perceive that you are listening to him yet. If you will not wake to the reality that our nation is under attack, you put yourself in danger of violating your oath of office out of willful ignorance. Perhaps enough voters will understand Senator Sanders's message: that we are engaged in a political revolution because the corporations and billionaires have already taken powerful hold on our government and we must wrest it back from them.
Most federal-level politicians are of at least average intelligence like me, and some are a lot smarter. Whichever you are, it is forgivable to unknowingly betray your country and your Constitution, but it is not forgivable to ignore the voice of a Senator speaking truth. And it will not appease the people if you permit your self-defensive rationalization to sell our democracy for thirty pieces of silver. It is not too late to wake up and join the revolution. To do so will make you more alive. Join us now and you may begin to serve the people.
Gregory Gregg