In the period from Sept 2000 to April 2004 545 children were murdered by Israel using GUNS that American tax dollars helped pay for. I am uncertain as to the number of children that have been killed since then but using the average based on the known period from Sept 2004 until Feb of 2013 an additional 1049 Palestinian children have met the same fate. These children were slaughtered as part of a genocide still going on at this very moment that seldom makes the news or raises any hackles and is supported by America. On the other hand when an essentially retarded 20-year-old American is provided with guns, ammo, and taught how to use them by his "sane" momma and he kills 20 America school children we Americans begin a near-rabid assault on guns and gun control. It is ridiculous. God loves the Palestinian children with the same intensity that he loves the kids from Sandy Hook. Unfortunately we Americans bear no resemblance to the God we profess so loudly to believe in. Our so-called value system weighs 20 kids from Sandy Hook against 1594 Palestinian children murdered intentionally for political reasons with no one held accountable let alone punished plus another 20,000 wounded and guess what? The value of the Sandy Hook children outweigh the Arab children by such an extreme that it is as if the Palestinian children don't matter at all. Disgusting! Revolting! SICK! You want gun control? Stop supplying guns and WMDs to Israel and every other group that uses them to murder and maim for evil greedy purposes. Bring our troops home and provide them with the psychological help they need to overcome the horrible damage we have inflicted on their psyches by turning them into slayers of women and children.
Wake up America! Guns are not the problem. We built our nation with their use committing genocide on its true owners whom we slaughtered in order to steal everything that was theirs. Hitler merely followed our example. Our true history is nothing to be proud of. If we are to ever become a shadow of what we have so long professed to be we need to face the truth, make amends and make an honest effort to become children of God instead of avaricious self-absorbed ego beings! Banning guns would be akin to banning contraceptives to prevent teenagers from having sex!