[please continue to share and speak out and act- and look for my next message in a few days with good news and reflections]
This post is also available on my blog where you can leave comments: click here
First thank you to the many of you who wrote to us about the annual report (and many who decided to donate or contacted us about helping in other ways). Many in the world were surprised that we do such great environmental work in very difficult circumstances to say the least (plus the genocide in Gaza). But we Palestinians are resilient, we do resist oppression on the one hand and build for a better future on the other (even when Zionists keep destroying). We have and cherish our life. For those who did not have a chance, please do read this and do contact us: click here
Many people in the west were surprised at events and news. This week I highlight eleven:
1) That there is an American base in Northern Jordan and that sadly 3 black soldiers were killed (usually the rich get richer and the poor poorer or killed). But the US has over 1400 bases in 80 countries to control and subjugate and act against the will of people in those countries. While spending hundreds of billions annually on this military and enriching less than 1% of ts people, infrastructure and education and healthcare in the US suffers and the 99% suffer. The US then bombed (illegally) many targets in Yemen, Syria and Iraq in supposed "retaliation" (but really to sustain the genocide ongoing against the Palestinians.
2) That 1.5 million of its 2.3 million people are now squeezed into the area around Rafah which is less than 15% (about 50 square kilometers) of the enclave. Famine and death is everywhere.
3) That the Israeli leadership is losing the war against resistance fighters 120 days/4 months after 7 October and the onslaught in Gaza, the resistance fighters are winning against tanks, airplanes, navy ships etc. All Israel can do is destroy more civilians and civilian infrastructure with US weapons and US cover.
4) That genocide and mass graves are allowed to continue for months and ethnic cleansing for decades as if we humans learn nothing from history. Some of us who are awake watch videos like this .facebook.com/reel/2076517426040497 and are stunned by the horrors.
5) Yemen while bombed illegally by the US and the UK continues to defend itself and abide by its obligation to do something to stop the genocide of Palestinians
6) Dozens of US cities passed resolutions in support of cease fire (the Zionist lobby having spent millions is losing in its strongest hold the US. Here is Chicago just after San Francisco .youtube.com/shorts/nni9vyTKrkE
7) Within a week of of the ICJ ruling, not only did the axis of evil led by the US/UK/Israel shut off funding to UN refugee and work agency and started threatening other agencies like the Red Cross and Red Crescent to exacerbate the genocide but continue to do (or fund and arm) the genocide. See click here and And after the ICJ ruling bodies of torture victims found at Gaza school. The killing of dozens of people whose bodies were found at a Gaza school was a clear war crime, according to a Palestinian human rights lawyer who spoke to Al Jazeera. click here
8) The US government placed mild sanctions on 4 colonial settlers terrorizing Palestinians and asked Israel to look into its own army violations of human rights in the West Bank. And the UK government says it is considering recognizing a "Palestinian state". These hypocritical and cynical statements intended for public relations are not working anymore. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis engaged in racist attacks against Palestinians before 7 Oct 2023. Recognition of a Palestinian state could have been done in 1948, 1967, 1988, 1993 etc. But more important implementing peace could have been done based on human rights and equality any day in the past 76 years by simply stopping the support of the apartheid genocidal regime (the Israeli regime cannot maintain its colonization and oppression one day without that western support)
9) That social media is 95% supportive of Palestine/human rights while corporate mainstream media (CNN, BBC, AP, Reuters, FoxNews, New York times etc) is 95% supportive of genocide. See how mainstream media kills the truth click here and Western coverage of Gaza: A textbook case of colonisers journalism click here. Some western media under pressure (which must be increased) are starting to do some marginal stories, e.g. CNN CATCHES IDF Cemetery Atrocity Lie .youtube.com/watch?v=5UoNCuwc5eU But they are still not coming close to telling the truth about the resistance, what happened 7 October etc (see ongaza.org and links therein of sites where you can get real information)
10) that free speech in supposedly democratic Western Countries does not exist when it comes to Palestine. Someone once quipped tat if you want to know who really has control in any country, watch who you cannot criticize. You cannot criticize Zionism (the racist idea of a Jewish state created by ethnic cleansing of indigenous people). Here is just one of millions of examples: How Power Creates and Entrenches Health Inequities click here
11) that colonial regimes lie incessantly. See ongaza.org item #9 and siyeh.org/liesandtruths/
I do not know why the surprises. What is happening here in Palestine has a cause and has effects that are easily predictable. You find one of my lectures where I explain this .youtube.com/watch?v=UHUgFIEWr1g and ere are links to cause and effect:
CAUSE .facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9/posts/10160919216451181 (Netanyahu long before this genocidal action) .facebook.com/reel/308177298660625 .facebook.com/reel/344969104608291 .facebook.com/reel/1011580826776519 .facebook.com/639657926/videos/278246188002507 .facebook.com/reel/1064433681228536 .facebook.com/reel/878806363683585 .facebook.com/reel/1251209615555565 .facebook.com/reel/352778063985760 .facebook.com/reel/301757522765342 .facebook.com/reel/247973378257499 .facebook.com/reel/680580910501209 .facebook.com/reel/1366276930991636 click here click here wire.in/world/northern-gaza-israel-palestine-conflict
EFFECT see this visual impact of numbers from the UN click here Then view some of these videos for personal impact .facebook.com/reel/1347070282669691 .facebook.com/reel/1005924534038932 .facebook.com/reel/1028640151677022 .facebook.com/reel/1036127130871914 .facebook.com/reel/1064396378055298 .facebook.com/reel/1064433681228536 .facebook.com/reel/1140383236935021 .facebook.com/reel/1409846396240215 .facebook.com/reel/1446631016070266 .facebook.com/reel/1498305100905240 .facebook.com/reel/171654876013486 .facebook.com/reel/193003723844677 .facebook.com/reel/219322117715756 .facebook.com/reel/2492508067598176 .facebook.com/reel/267515342935773 .facebook.com/reel/295754560044998 .facebook.com/reel/342182358463855 .facebook.com/reel/342910481573714 .facebook.com/reel/343736248313472 .facebook.com/reel/354972273758525 .facebook.com/reel/358677136723546 .facebook.com/reel/616704703797190 .facebook.com/reel/622474083189011 .facebook.com/reel/821410706397348 .facebook.com/reel/848844680040608 .facebook.com/reel/858262825800295 .facebook.com/reel/865675955015882 .facebook.com/watch?v=235642535962085 tter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1722049139465154862
Stay Human and keep Palestine alive
Mazin Qumsiyeh A Bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director Palestine Museum of Natural History Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University Occupied Palestine siyeh.org estinenature.org facebook pages Personal .facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9 Institute .facebook.com/PIBS.PMNH