When the Levee Breaks
There are 1:22 seconds of the guitar "rainin", then"
If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break
If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break
When the levee breaks I'll have no place to stay
The rain is the Alien 'rainin' down US-made bombs on their neighbors and perceived enemies, Iran, Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Egypt, Oman, Iran, Russia, China, France, Spain, Colombia, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Cuba, Germany, Iran, United Nations, Rwanda, DRC, Somalia, African Union, United States, and...
The Levee is the combined opposition forces of the Alien's stated enemies, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Ansarallah, Iraqi and Syrian Resistance forces.
When the levee breaks I'll have no place to stay, means that the Alien will have to leave or get swamped by the vengeful aftermath, unstoppable drones and missiles, courtesy of the Levee - Of course the Alien will have no place to stay, perhaps it should return to Europe and assume its original European names instead of pretending that it is indigenous to the Earth!
Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan
Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan
This is typical Alien projection... mean old Levee? Seriously? Mean old Levee, after the Alien done rained down bombs, exploded pagers and cell phones, murdered doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, ambulance drivers, blowed off the limbs and heads of woman and children, used a targeting program called "Daddy's Home" to kill who knows who when they returned home?... is that the mean old Levee???
The Levee takes up the plaint saying to the Alien:
Cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good... no
Cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good
And why should 'cryin' help the Alien, as it continues to bomb and blow up hospitals, city blocks of housing, assassinate members of its neighbors' government, kill UN Peacekeepers, murder humanitarian aid workers, kill the drivers of aid trucks and shoot to death civilians trying to get food, sniper kids on bicycles because their bicycles looked like RPGs??
And why should 'prayin' help the Alien as it continues to rain down US bombs, destroy water and sanitation systems, create disease, standing raw sewage, encourage biting insects, and bulldoze cemeteries upending the buried bodies, excavate mass graves, and deliver decomposed bodies to a hospital that it continues to target and bomb??
All last night sat on the levee and moaned
All last night sat on the levee and moaned
First of all it is the Levee that is now about to do the sitting. Besides what does the Alien have to moan about after having bombed and blown up universities, schools, bakeries, bulldozed roads to prevent vehicle traffic to rescue the injured, slowed down the movement of humans to "safe" zones it told the Humans to go to, even dropping leaflets to encourage Humans to relocate to so-called safe zones where they were then murdered by the Alien?
Songwriters: Jimmy Page / John Paul Jones / John Bonham / Robert Anthony Plant
When the Levee Breaks lyrics Succubus Music Ltd., Sons Of Einion Publishing, Cap Three Ltd, Flames Of Albion Music, Inc., Bonham Ip Holdings