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Who Wants to Abolish the CIA? Leftists and Rightists

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Roger Copple
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Some leftists and rightists agree that our country has been hijacked by the CIA. According to Kevin Shipp, ex-CIA member and author of the book From the Company of Shadows, the CIA and the NSA represent the Shadow Government, which is at the top of the pyramid, and the military-industrial-congressional complex represents the Deep State that is below the Shadow Government. Kevin Shipp has made several YouTube videos. The two I list here and here show him speaking to audiences that could be described as conservative constitutionalists, but some progressive and leftist websites are also encouraging readers to watch these videos.

There are both leftists and rightists who agree that JFK was killed in 1963 because he was a threat to the Shadow Government. Many on the left and the right agree that 9/11 was an inside job, and they agree that most Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. House and Senate do not represent the will of the people. Many from both groups believe that Russia is now being demonized in the mainstream media mostly because it is considered the biggest threat to the neoliberal or neoconservative foreign-policy agenda.

There are both leftists and rightists who are critical of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the Federal Reserve. There are both leftists and rightists who oppose the globalist agenda of billionaire financiers such as George Soros. Many leftists and rightists think that individuals like the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, Chuck Schumer, and John McCain are sympathetic to the military-industrial complex.

In Kevin Shipp's videos, he claims that the Council on Foreign Relations in connection with Wall Street created the Federal Reserve central-banking system. Corporations like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Booz Allen Hamilton, General Dynamics, and Raytheon contribute $700,000 a year to each of the 48 members of the Congressional Armed Service Committee. Our government pays out one trillion dollars a year to the military-industrial complex. The United States is the biggest arms dealer in the world; many of us already knew that.

Kevin Shipp says there are now 10,000 secret government sites in the United States, and even select members of Congress do not know about all of them. There are 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies that are involved in secrecy. There are 4.8 million Americans that we know of that have government security clearances; 854,000 have top secret clearances.

There really is no more privacy; there is now massive domestic surveillance. An enormous NSA Utah data bank has email and phone information on every U.S. citizen. According to several articles dated July 31, 2014, John Brennan admitted that the CIA improperly hacked into Senate computers.

Trump once said he was going to investigate 9/11 and the CIA. After Rachel Maddow on her MSNBC show recently shared with Chuck Schumer one of Trump's tweets, Schumer then said, "If you cross the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you."

Why don't more members of the CIA come out and expose its illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional actions? Every CIA employee signs a secrecy agreement when first hired, which means that he or she is not allowed to testify in a court of law or before Congress about any classified information, even if it breaks the law or goes against the constitution. If the CIA does not want the public to know about any of its covert activities, all it has to do is identify the information as classified or top secret, using the state-secrets privilege.

Kevin Shipp states that 9/11 was labeled a terrorist event, which stopped any criminal investigation right in its tracks. When CIA director Allen Dulles was fired by JFK for not informing JFK ahead of time of the failed Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion, later it was Allen Dulles who was appointed by Lyndon Johnson to be a member of the Warren Commission, which investigated JFK's assassination. Shipp and others too have said that this was like putting the fox in charge of the hen house.

How do leftists and rightists differ? Many rightists are climate-change deniers. They do not believe in the U.N. Sustainable Development goals. Some believe that vaccines cause autism. Some rightists believe that some of the globalists are Satanists and are into child pornography. Some believe that the government is interfering with the weather with sinister intentions. Most rightists believe in capitalism. Many believe that the Rapture or Second Coming of Jesus is imminent. Many rightists believe that the U.S. Constitution, first implemented in 1789 with the presidency of George Washington, is a sacred document that largely does not need to be changed. Many rightists still support Donald Trump. Rightists tend to be fearful of Islam.

Many leftists, on the other hand, believe that climate change is caused by human behavior. They believe that alternatives to fossil fuels are urgently needed. Many don't believe that vaccines cause autism, or that the government is interfering with the weather for sinister purposes. Many support the U.N. Sustainable Development goals.

True leftists, as opposed to neoliberal "progressive" Democrats, often advocate socialism. Some Greens support capitalism, but the Left Greens don't. Most socialists would tolerate the small capitalistic mom and pop grocery store on the corner. Many liberals and progressives and a few leftists have shown interest in Eastern religions and mindfulness meditation. Leftists are more likely to believe that the U.S. Constitution should be rewritten periodically to change with the times, and they believe that a distinction must be made between Islam and radical Islam.

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