Why Obama should not appoint a Supreme Court Justice and should pass this appointment on to the next US President.
After all the destructive appointments in his Administration and the effects that have followed as a result has been nothing less than disastrous while further eroding our treasure, commons and inalienable rights.

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We have heard it all, I appointed a Republican because I am trying to get along or someone acceptable to the Republicans or bankers because they know more or""
No one has gone to jail for the thefts and fraud in the billions, some say trillions. Trade agreements created in secret that our representatives can read only in a seal secured room and can't divulge to the citizens. JFK warned of secret societies and secrets activities done in our name. JFK gave his life as well as signers of the Declaration of Independence gave their lives and some times entire family and wealth for our efforts to form a more perfect union.
The current ones are even more egregious than the former job destruction and wealth draining of the past administrations. The current trade agreements that Obama and his administration are trying to railroad through usurp our very foundations as a country reducing it to a business entity ruled by a corporations and bankers arbitration board on which we have no representation. Is this what has become of our country?
If anything is recognizable by most at this point is there is revolution in the voters trenches on both sides of the aisle. Both parties appear to be Imploding but the status quo appears confident that all is well. It is not well!
Over the past several decades, multinational corporate Goliaths have helped to write and rewrite hundreds of rules skewing tax, trade, investment and other policies in their favor. The extraordinary damage these policies have caused has become increasingly apparent to the communities and governments most directly affected by them.
This, in turn, has strengthened the potential of a movement that's emerging to try to reverse the momentum. But just like David with his slingshot, the local, environmental and government leaders seeking to revise rules to favor communities and the planet must pick their battles carefully.
Corporatist who have the politicians by a strangle hold by either bankrolling their elections (not to mention their bank accounts) or just shear intimidation of their current strangle hold on the commons"and the list goes on. The President, Congress and the Supreme Court appears to have has abdicated its Oath and Duties to the citizens of the United States of America.
All those battling this should order & read "Deer Hunting with Jesus" (Dispatches from America's class war) by Joe Bageant.
We have seen this before and some Brave Patriots have
resolved this before.
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The results Click here
This link gives some history here, if only Obama followed up his Supreme Court Stare down! Click here
1937 - The Supreme Court
A study of the O'Connor collection at the FDR Presidential Library reveals that
no topic has provided cartoonists with more inspiration that FDR's "court
packing" proposal. In his Second Inaugural Address FDR had indicated he
was ready to pursue a more vigorous path to reform. He stated, I see one-third
of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished... ." FDR proposed to add
up to six new judges to the Supreme Court and up to 44 judges to lower federal
tribunals. His scheme was advertised as court reform.
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