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Will Americans even ALLOW another (third!) stolen Presidential Election?

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W. Christopher Epler (Bill)
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I don't think they will.  I think it would bring us to the brink of out of the box hardball.


The theft would be so blatant; everyone on the planet would know it was another stolen Presidential Election. 


Look, after eight years of Bush/elite greed and evangelical hatred, our planet is dying (certainly the human ecosystems are going, going, gone), our Constitutional Republic has virtually ceased to exist, the working class is being turned into peasants for less then one percent of the country (the vampire elites), our civil rights have been stolen, the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job (including, let's just say, certain Middle Eastern "friends") is now absolutely mountainous, our children are being used as cannon fodder for the elite money cow oil wars (with profits in the trillions!), and we now have a pug VP candidate, who if she becomes president, could even catalyze an international war.


Clearly, Palin's murderous anti-environment record would inevitably spill over to the rest of the planet, and, guess what?, the "rest of the planet" would not be amused.  In short, if WE didn't rid ourselves of this psychopathic manikin, Russia and China (for openers) might do it for us.  Hey, this is their planet too, and they aren't just going to sit back and watch Palin mutilate what's left of the human ecosystem (e.g., for fossil fuels, etc.).  It's effectively an absolute certainty that if we don't take care of the Palin insanity, other countries will "intervene".


And the background of this Republican criminal theft is 9/11; but forget the pictures, the analysis of literally hundreds of scientists, the interviews of people who were there, etc., etc.  All this can be found on sites now too numerous to mention and all pointing to the interpretation that 9/11 wasn't the result of Bush administration ineptitude, but rather that Bush and company ACTIVELY ENGINEERED this atrocity.


But the short cut way to see into the heart of 9/11 is to answer two simple questions:


(1.) What American political party immeasurably "benefited" from 9/11? Duh.        


(2.)  What Middle Eastern country immeasurably "benefited" from 9/11?  Duh.


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A liberal American, PhD mathematician, bipedal Earthling.
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