On August 17, 2013, Patrick Counihan reported at the Irish Central blog that CIA chief John Brennan was attending a celebration at his father's Irish birthplace at the town of Kilteevan in County Roscommon. Counihan showed a picture of Brennan and his father with glasses in their hands of what looks like stout Irish beer:
After today's news about US Senator Feinstein (head of the Senate Intelligence Committee) openly complaining about her staff's computers being hacked by the CIA, and this complaint being reported all over the world, it is easy to see why Brennan would want to retire in Ireland. At the time that picture was made in Ireland in 2013, the US Senate had finished the first draft of their investigation into the CIA's illegal snooping of the Senate Intelligence Committee and Dianne Feinstein's office computers:
Brennan appears to show no loyalty to his United States home and work allegiance and many question his loyalty to Islam and Saudi Arabia recently in matters either political or religious. Brennan, it has been reported, plans to retire in Ireland as mentioned by Dara Kelly at Irish Central:
Brennan's Irish cousins talked about this soon after Brennan took office at the CIA in early 2013.
Brennan denies that the CIA hacked any Senate computers and appears (per the Daily Beast article above) to be telling President Obama that President Obama can choose to fire Brennan if he so desires.
Several years ago Wayne Madsen wrote the first article in the US about how the corporation Brennan was the head of (The Analyst Group) had somehow accessed the passports of Hillary Clinton, McCain and Obama in the spring of 2008. Madsen alleged that Brennan's firm was looking for evidence of dual passports for President Obama and other major figures.
It is interesting now that the United States Senate and President Obama may have to ask Mr. Brennan if he (as the US Director of the CIA) is holding dual passports himself. Brennan, to retire in Ireland, would need Irish citizenship, especially if he was trying to evade a US extradition notice. Maybe Mr. Brennan should be held in detention and put on the TSA no-fly list until it is determined whether on one of his trips to Ireland he obtained dual citizenship due to his father's original citizenship in Ireland where they welcomed Brennan and his father back with open arms and celebrated them "coming home".
One has to wonder if Brennan is the first US CIA Director to have dual citizenship, and if true whether that is a good idea or not?
If Ireland doesn't work out, Brennan can probably flee to Russia as Snowden did, to contact Putin and agree to rat out his former buddy Bandar "Bush" Bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia.
Early in his career Brennan was the Saudi station chief for the CIA and made many personal, political, and (per some sources) religious connections that will make him valuable to whatever country he retires in and reveals his real loyalty to. It is clear now that he has been making connections in Ireland for some time and one has to wonder why. It would be a disgrace to the US if our CIA Director flees to Ireland or anywhere else to avoid a scandal at his former office.
What was Mr. Brennan thinking when announcing to his cousins that he was coming to Ireland to retire, as they later boasted? It appears now that Mr. Brennan's Irish retirement has leaked out that he will have a long hard road to Kilteevan.