A macho cult leader can't seem to be a mere mortal.
As a dictator-to-be, Trump may be done.
He's the second White Supremacist president brought down by a virus he helped spread. He's the second mobster-in-chief desperate for a pardon to stay out of prison.
If the Election Protection movement continues to fight, the election Trump has planned to steal or ignore may now be beyond him. Shy of staying in the White House, only a Mike Pence pardon can keep Trump out of the Big House.
He's a morbidly obese 74-year-old, precisely the COVID's favorite demographic.
His Evangelical Death Cult loves his rapist, mobster self as a Lordly trickster, sent down to shutter the feminist uterus and shoot infidels of color.
Both Britain's Boris Johnson and Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro got through the virus. Both were weakened. Neither faced an election 33 days away.
Trump could survive.
He still must answer to the 207,000 humans he helped kill, the millions he got infected, and the countless more he personally sickened (as at his recent rally in Cleveland) by refusing to wear a mask and trashing those who do.
But Election Protectionists better double down, because nothing is more dangerous (or unpredictable) than a cornered beast.
There'll be no more "debates." No mass rallies. No fawning sky pilots touting his Divinity. Trump's Death Cult seems in tatters.
That "fake" coronavirus may get him drinking bleach, mainlining hydroxychloroquine, running infrared lights up his veins. But he's a god no more.
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