Many of us have come with some reluctance to the conclusion that our government is run by, and serves, the very wealthy. This conclusion violates our beliefs in what our country stands for; you know the equality and justice stuff. So we feel we are patriotic, and have been all our lives, and yet what is it we are really supporting and affirming? The answer seems to be that we are really supporting two political parties. These two political parties are both bought by and serve the very wealthy. Our partisan efforts are useless in drawing attention to the larger population. Whichever party wins, the very wealthy win, and the rest of us are actors in a farce. We finally have to accept, "It's the money, stupid!" But is it? Could a political race be a credible effort and require almost no money? A group of citizens in Wisconsin has come up with a plan to at least challenge the money anchored system. Here is their very young website: .
It appears this effort is not being undertaken to win an election, this time around. They have chosen to enter a race with an, as of yet, unnamed candidate. This race is so weighted in favor of the Democrat incumbent that even a significant amount of votes for the independent challenger will not likely effect the outcome of this race. But that is the point. The first race for is a litmus test to see if voters will signal their preference for no more control for the very wealthy, or not. Even a win by this unnamed challenger would leave him or her with no coalition members in the House. But, if the outcome were significant, other districts around the country could take on a similar campaign, and the 2nd election from this fall, could have a number of directelect winners and then influence in Washington becomes a reality. In addition, the shock to the two parties of such a turn of events might bring about some degree of mitigation in their servitude to the very wealthy.
The direct elect plan is to not field a candidate until after the September primary. The candidate will be a write in candidate. The campaign will be at most 4 weeks long. Only small contributions, and only from state residents, will be accepted. There will be no yard signs, media buys, or other similar costly advertising. The campaign will be almost exclusively through social media, email, web postings, and media interviews. This plan needs only two questions to measure its value: Who would a winner of a directelect campaign serve? And who would she or he not be beholden too?