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World Peace, Inner Peace

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Roger Copple
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The terms "Inner Peace to World Peace" or "Inner Peace, World Peace" can be found on the internet in a handful of places. But the websites and individuals that use these phrases are essentially saying that if enough people find their our own inner peace, then world peace will just happen, without our needing to be political in any way. So the people who use these concepts are often "spiritual" but not political.

Expressions like "be the peace that you want to see in the world" and "let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me" are both very true, and they essentially mean the same thing. But we also need to radically change governments and dismantle all nuclear weapons in the world. If we do that, we and the rest of the world will have much more inner peace. Both are equally important, and we have to work on "inner peace" and "world peace" at the same time. If we are "spiritual" and ignore all the things that are going on in the world, then we have a fake spirituality. To be a fully self-actualizing spiritual person, we must also be political in an honest, transparent, wise, and compassionate way.

This concept of "world peace, inner peace" puts "world peace" first. Though people today understand the vital importance and urgency of radically changing governments, they have given up hope that there is any way possible to do that, and they have turned to their private lives to escape, as the world plunders to destruction.

But change is possible. There is no limit to the depth of inner peace and the height of world peace that we can achieve, and it can be a very joyful process. Life is a wonderful gift. If one believes in the importance of both inner peace and world peace, it is only natural to want to instill these values in our children and grandchildren in a school curriculum so that they will want to continue this work when we are gone. A new political party is needed to implement these values in government, in the material world. So a "World Peace, Inner Peace School Curriculum" and a "World Peace, Inner Peace Political Party" are needed to save the world now.

The preschool through 12th-grade school curriculum will focus on fully understanding world history and the current needs and resources in each country. Subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, geography, music, art, literature, math, and computer skills will, of course, also be part of the curriculum. The U.S. history course will include books such as the People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn.

We can find inner peace by examining the major world religions, not just devotionally, but according to the latest scientific research on each one. Transpersonal psychology, the perennial philosophy, the science of consciousness, mindfulness meditation, the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, yoga, and Buddhism will all be studied in the curriculum.

Radically decentralizing our public schools is something that has never been tried. The World Peace, Inner Peace Political Party will encourage state governments to give the parents and residents, who live within each elementary school district, the choice of whether they would like to take over their school building in their neighborhood, and just elect their own own school board, who can be given complete autonomy over everything: salaries, staff, teacher requirements, educational philosophy, school curriculum, general organization, everything, with public funds. They should have that right. But a lot of people have probably never thought of this possibility. The democratically elected school-board members could even include some of the teachers that were already in the building before. The fully participatory, collective thinking of the neighborhood can become like a miniature world. Some communities will set good examples for others to follow. Some communities can even be a light unto the world.

This radical decentralization and personalization of schools will promote neighborhood togetherness and it will build community, intentional community. It can remove township bureaucracy and hierarchy, which has been too restrictive of teachers, creating a lot of stress and unhappiness for everyone.

We don't have to live in a monoculture either. Using the strengths and resources of all our neighbors, we can create better, more innovative neighborhood schools. The school building gym, for example, could be used by everyone in the community. Why not? Their taxes are paying for it. Vegan cooking classes, smaller classrooms in homes, neighborhood organic gardening, home care and repair--all could be part of the philosophy and curriculum. Retired individuals especially can learn to be good tutors.

The World Peace, Inner Peace Political Party will work to equally empower the 7 largest national political parties in the United States in the hopes that when people are fully informed as the political spectrum is truly broadened, they will choose a socialistic system that values ecological wisdom and the abolition of all forms of imperialism, militarism, and racism. The Party will work to create educational forums, public protests, and rallies--even Hemp Rallies, for the legalization of hemp, and rallies that protest the celebration of Columbus Day. It will encourage democratic and revolutionary socialists to work together on many issues, and it will work to bring back the anti-war, nonviolent peace movement.

In the United States, it will focus on having fewer cars and more public transportation and eliminating the dependence on fossil fuels for energy. Traffic congestion in major cities is becoming a very serious problem. It will recommend public banking, as it works to abolish the current federal-reserve banking system. It will promote more egalitarianism throughout the world, reducing the gap between the rich and poor within countries and among countries.

We don't really live in a democratic society, and one of the best ways to convince people that we need to change the system is to share youtube lectures that prove to them that our country has been hijacked by the Shadow Government and the Deep State, as differentiated by Kevin Shipp, an ex-CIA agent who has become a whistleblower. Links to his astonishing lectures, which pretty much lays it all out, have been published at progressive websites such as Information Clearing House. Kevin Shipp himself is a conservative Christian constitutionalist who still believes, more than one year later, that the Deep State and Shadow Government are still very fearful of Trump because Trump is "draining the swamp!" Nevertheless, here are the links to Kevin Shipp's jaw-dropping, complete summary that unfolds everything about the powers-that-be: Part 1 and Part 2.

Trying to learn more about Kevin Shipp, I found another youtube interview of him. Here, the interviewer, giving a summary of Shipp's message, stated, "We have a war going on. The Trump administration, the military, some members of the FBI and some members of the CIA [are] going after the Deep State and the evil people. Is that correct?" Shipp then responded, "Absolutely! It's kind of like a cold war within Washington DC between Donald Trump and his administration and [against] the Shadow Government and the Deep State, without a doubt." Both the interviewer and Kevin Shipp agreed that the real power of the country is in the Pentagon and the military, and not in the CIA. Shipp then expressed that he was a big supporter of the military. However, many on the left believe President Trump is part of the swamp, and he is linked with the "evil people."

To better understand foreign policy and how the political system works, I think Michael Parenti is the most passionate and brilliant orator today. His beloved textbook Democracy for the Few has gone through 9 editions. When questioned at the end of this lecture, Michael Parenti, looking very tired, expressed that he has been a personal friend of Bernie Sanders, but he strongly disagreed with him when Bernie supported President Clinton in the war on Yugoslavia. Parenti wrote a book about that war called To Kill a Nation. If you're an imperialist, then you can't be a socialist. For other Parenti lectures, go to YouTube.com and enter "Michael Parenti" in the search window, or you can go to www.MichaelParenti.org. I recently enjoyed watching the following longer youtube lecture of Michael Parenti speaking at a Unitarian Universalist annual General Assembly, entitled "Creating a Sustainable Economy."

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February 11, 2023 I grew up in a church that said you had to speak in tongues to get saved and go to heaven. I often prayed fervently starting at the age of 5 for the experience in the prayer room at church, where people would cry and wail, (more...)

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