A Grecian user had added an offensive video about Atatà ¼rk who founded Turkish Republic.Some Turkish users had responded it with other videos. The video war on youtube came to a top point so, many of Turkish has appealed to courts. And 5 courts have banned accessing youtube.
This was a result of our law tradition. Banning is a social addiction in Turkey; books, songs, movies, pictures had been banned during centuries in Anatolia. All banned works and products have been demanded in Europe and USA.But we live an extraordinary s ituation today. Demand is very dense for youtube and all demanders are not interested in Atatà ¼rk's video. There are many youtube visitors who haven't seen that video. And banned thing is not a product or workbut it is a web site. Non-Turkish wants to watch that video but everyone wants to watch other videos,like me. This islike banning a writer for a novel or banning a poet for a poem, about 30 years ago in Turkey.
The second extraordinary situation is many Turkish video makers couldn't edit their own video which in favor of Atatà ¼rk. But all foreigner visitors can watch offensive Atatà ¼rk videos. And third... Turkish Prime Ministry Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸansaid he visited youtube and offered to the journalists to visit despite court decision. ErdoÄŸan had said that despite court decision. No Turkish prime ministry has offeredreading a banned novelin history.
I have surprised whenreading the news's which says Youtube is fifth web site according to visitors numbers. Youtube is fifth, after Google Turkey,Google, Facebook and Windows Live. This shows that someclassical law rules and technical security precaution are not enough for saving international vision ofnational heroes. The term we live in is competition term.Every people have national land, but everyone can pass border line and can damageus.Internet has no border. The Condition of winning is competition, but not banning.