I could hardly agree more with the sentiments and position taken in her correct message, "It is Time to Take a Strong Stand."Today as the Democratic leadership celebrates the passage of HR 1591, Dennis and I are in mourning. We mourn the deaths of those who have passed and those whose lives are now on the line, both in the military and civilian Iraqis. We mourn the destruction, the ecocide. We mourn with families in Iraq and the US who will see more death and devastation. We mourn the callous and calculated political spin cloaking the Congress's hawkish support of war with the rhetoric of peace.
Congressman Kucinich voted NO. Standing firm with him on this NO vote were 13 Democrats...
Indeed, it is WAY past time to try to muster some resources, or even sentiment to resist this hijacking of our nation which, let us be frank, has been going on for decades. It has been occurring in slow motion, and with the help and collaboration of both major political parties (or as many would say, the Duopoly).
You name it -- schools, housing, healthcare, decent jobs, livable wages, womens' rights, healthy food supply, air quality, political representation, dialog, respect, peace -- which of these has improved in the past decades??
We should stand up strongly, as many of us as we can get together.
That is why I wrote her to take exception with Elizabeth's statements when she thanked those who have stood together
It's "hats off" to the efforts of all those stalwart and courageous groups. However, in those "other organizations" was a political party, the Green Party, which stands and says out loud all that most Democrats have run away from. Having put in countless hours along with many other Greens in many venues working, educating, and fighting for issues such as getting Congress to stop the funding of this immoral debacle, I decided to set the record straight with this letter to Elizabeth:I would like to thank Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, Veterans for Peace, Code Pink, Gold Star Mothers and all those other organizations who have worked so valiantly in recent years to raise awareness about what is going on in Iraq and to end the war.
Dear Elizabeth,
I couldn't agree with you more on your statement, and give encouragement to those who REALLY stood up for America's troops and best interests by NOT voting for more funding for the criminal occupation of Iraq.
Indeed! It's time to take a strong stand! Sometime it's incredibly lonely out here trying to get a message out to this society of what to us seems common sense and moral behavior. At times it is incredibly difficult and wearing. Those taking such stands must work together and try to grow.
That is why I write you, Elizabeth. In your mention of groups out there doing the hard work you should include the Green Party, even though that would seem to go against certain political niceties.
If you are willing, however, to stand up to those in your party who work hand in hand-out with the oligarchy, then I think it behooves you to recognize publicly that there is another political party that does not have trouble in telling its constituents to take a strong firm stand against escalating this war and in demanding an end to this illegal occupation. We are on the same side, mouthing YOUR message, something your own party won't do.
I have always marveled how the Democratic Party (certainly not your followers) reserve more vitriol and action against the Green Party than they do against our real adversaries. Funny, no? The Republicans, especially the neocons and religious right threaten the very substance of our land, its institutions and Constitution. What do Greens "threaten"? Apparently it is the Democratic piece of the power pie, which seems to be more important than all the rest.
That would make sense if when they did get a piece of the pie they would do the People's business, but both you and I know that the pushing of NAFTA, the media concentration and destruction of welfare and social services, served not the people, but those who have usurped all the rest of the peoples' roles in deciding anything.
It might do wonders for your party to be forced to recognize that it is possible for a political party even in America to represent people, not corporations even in these times. My sad conclusion: those who run your party do not trust nor really care for the American people.
If the Democratic Party ever truly wanted to do something decisive, important and -- why not -- patriotic for this country to really end this war, or, say, to get universal health care all they would have to do is to call upon the People to back them in public. Populism. Dennis may appear alongside concerned citizens and activists at antiwar rallies, but your party, as a party, does not show up. The Green Party is always there.
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