George Bush launched the War On Terror following the attacks of September 11, 2001. I use the word "attacks" because we, the people of the United States were attacked on that day. Whether you choose to believe the administration's take or any one of the plethora of alternative explanations is irrelevant to this discourse. You are free to do the research necessary, and draw the conclusions that you find. My advice to you in doing so is this:
"Beware when you gaze into the abyss, lest the abyss gaze into you." Frederick Nietzsche
"You cannot pray a lie." Huckleberry Finn
In 2003, Bush invaded Iraq. The civilian dead in Iraq is approximately 45,000, and the total casualty count, civilian and combatant exceeds 98,000.
We carpeted civilian areas with cluster bombs, each containing 200 "bomblets" that average 5% non-detonation meaning for every bomb dropped, there are 10 little soda-can-sized weapons hanging from branches of trees or scattered throughout farmlands, streets and hillsides. These little remote assassins continue to kill and maim to this day. Our trusted Mid-East ally, Israel, left an estimated one million of these terror instruments in southern Lebanon, the majority of which were dropped in the last 72 hours of the conflict.
And we have the audacity to place the label "terrorist" on anyone?
There were 2,973 fatalities on 9/11: 246 on the four planes 2,602 in New York City, and 125 at the Pentagon.
Do the math. The Bush Wars have accounted for over 100,000 deaths, and the catalyst for those wars was a false flag, self-inflicted wound resulting in the death of 2973 innocent civilians, sacrificial lambs to the Project For A New America. Absent the USS Arizona, we have WTC. The new Pearl Harbor, sans water.
Body counts are an obscenity. They are demeaning to the value of human life, a statistic like a scorecard in a game of golf, a game that cannot be won, merely played. War cannot be won, but the Bushies sure seem to enjoy playing it. (I apologize for the use of golf as a means of comparison. Golf is a game demanding honesty and integrity, things the NeoCons have difficulty spelling.)
A person with explosives strapped to his body is labeled a "terrorist" while a person dropping cluster bombs from 30,000 feet is defined as a soldier fighting to free the world from the terrorist and making it free for the spread of democracy. Perhaps democracy isn't a system that can work worldwide, unless it's defined as the democracy exemplified by the 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections.
The NeoCon regime of George W. Bush, together with his English cohort, Tony Blair, has exhibited an ongoing ploy to instill fear into the people of the world. The Republican Party, in a scramble to maintain a majority in Congress, has stooped to drawing a line in the sand: "You're with us, or you're with the terrorists."
No, Mr. Bush, I am with you or I am against you. I choose the latter.
Mr. Bush, you look a terrorist in the face every morning when you brush your teeth.
Someone has to say it. Our President, the man sitting in office due to two stolen elections, one in which he didn't even win the popular vote, is a terrorist.
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