"We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th."The back banner read:
"You will know the truth and the TRUTH will set you free. - John 8:32."The front banner read:
"9/11 Truth will end this war."The truck/display was preceded by:
"Oh say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave? O'er the land of the free? And the home of the brave?"Obviously we weren't short on banners. They were all made possible by a generous donation from a 9/11 Truther in Toledo, along with an amazing deal given to us by Signs Columbus. The materials used to build the Commission Report were paid for by another generous donation from a member of our own group. (I would love to name these two individuals, but I won't until I get their permission.) And of course, the book didn't build itself--- the design and physical labor was provided by Aaron, Sherry, myself, and lots of Red Bull! There was only a little bit of trouble in the beginning before the parade started. The main organizer came over to let us know a veteran had voiced concern over our being there. She said we couldn't include anything anti-war (don't think too hard about the lack of logic of that request.) While Sherry talked with the organizer about our already-agreed-upon involvement (we had approved registration like everyone else) and our refusal to take ourselves out of the lineup, a man walking by with his little Boy Scout son overheard the conversation. He stopped and said "Censorship? No, let them stay!" It was wonderful to see such support, he even went so far as to suggest something about a court order. Fortunately it didn't get that far and we were able to clear up the concern.