As a human being, I guess I could lie and eventually convince myself that what I have learned is not the “truth” of which Jesus spoke of, but honestly, I fear God. It was the first thing I learned in my early Pentecostal upbringing, to fear the Lord Thy God because only then could you fully appreciate the “love” He had for us, His creation.
What did I learn? First of all, I learned to reject all the thousands of sermons in book form which were written by the early pioneer Protestants as just so much ignorant gibberish, understandings of the Holy Scriptures based on no more than either a “convoluted”or “painful” extrapolation based upon narrow sixteenth and seventeenth century sensibilities. And as for the Mother Church, regardless of what propaganda you were exposed to at your religious University or from the established denominations, it died and became something foreign to the Savior in 325 AD when an Emperor demanded that the Bishops all teach the same theology and decide once and for all who they were going to worship as God. The purpose was two-fold, to give Constantine unbridled authority, secular and religious, over his citizens and to head off perceived religious armed conflicts.
In a nutshell, the Bishops gave the Emperor his Nicene Creed which, with tongue in cheek, said that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost were “of the same”. Even though it has changed several times through the centuries, it still remains worded that the Trinity are “of the same”. I have no problem with that. The problem comes when it is applied through the same convoluted and pained exercise of Church authority, thereby becoming “are the same”. Plainly, for the first 325 years after Christ's ministry, He was viewed by the world, and even His own Church, as the Son of God. Now, He became God and was forever separated from the rest of the world faiths and mankind. Unless you turned your back on the faith of your father's and surrendered yourself to this new Priesthood and Temple factions, you could not call yourself Christian and were in danger of Hell Fire.
For stating what I am about to say, I have been labeled by my fellow Christians as either one of Satan's Chief Demons or the reincarnation of Satan himself, come to lead the faithful astray. So, you have been warned.
To understand why Jesus came, you have to understand the Old Testament. Even though most of it was written between four hundred and one hundred years before the birth of Christ (a couple parts dating to maybe 800 BC), it did come from a memorized history, something widely done by primitive peoples. I have to assume they got most of it right. Islamic detractors of the Holy Bible point to all the incest going on and say that these books could not have come from God. My answer to them is simply, then why did the Prophet have to reestablish the “Law” for the Muslim people? Where your morals and view of the world any different? No, they were not and why the Old Testament should be viewed as a fairly accurate portrayal of the times.
Anyway, a quick read of Genesis to me shows the creation story following closely to what the scientific community refers to as “evolution”. The original words used, again regardless of the accepted “strained” explanation, allows for greater periods of time than the “day” used by the original interpreters. And, you don't have to go any further than the story of Cain and Abel to know there were others in the world besides Adam and Eve, the first human beings created by God, and their children. God marks Cain's forehead to protect him from others. What others? Cain takes a wife in the land of Nod. What wife. Seth, another son of Adam and Eve, also takes a wife. What wife? Simply, the “seed of God” was intermingled with the “seed of evolution” when these unions occurred.
What did God do after that? Well, for one thing, He sent a flood to kill out the seed of Cain, saving Noah and his family, the seed of Seth whom responded to God's commands. After that, God chooses Abraham to be the father of His “chosen” people who would keep His commandments and laws. Of course, we know those descendants from Abraham to be the Hebrew, the Muslim and, by faith, the Christian; all supposedly worshiping the same God. He gave us the example of Sodom and Gomorrah
because they were an “inhospitable” people. The “chosen” were then given into Egyptian captivity and eventually released through Moses, the Law Giver. With the Law in hand, the “chosen” were then given the Promised Land in which to settle and live as God had commanded. As in other primitive cultures, failure to strictly follow the law brought a penalty of death. It was as though God was working with a creature that was more “animal” than “human”. And, from the record, it would seem so. With my understanding, the God of the Old Testament was not a God of revenge versus the God of love found in the New Testament but a God using the Law and retribution to re breed the “God seed” back into mankind.
So, why then did Jesus come? After 1300 plus years of living under “The Law”, God must have thought man had evolved enough to accept the mantle of a human being (as that which He created when He made Adam and Eve) instead of an evolved, possibly trainable animal in the guise of humanity. How mistaken He would be.
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