Candidate Obama is right when he describes large segments of our society as bitter. How can it be otherwise when we are helpless to redress our societal problems? The news is filled with daily petty and grand larcenies, the murders for money, the broken families, kids without two parents. Ask, and most will admit that We, the People, have nothing to say about HOW the President and the Congress, once elected, determine OUR lives.
Our bitterness, provoked by frustration, is a normal human trait, especially when fed by the erroneous declarations of those in control of the government and the media , that this kind of system, and how our society is formed by it, is the only way we have, that this is the price we pay for living in a democratic society. That’s pure bunk. We do not have a democratic society. Everyone knows it.
In addition to the President’s daily propaganda about how well we are doing despite the “depression,” and the “war, “ the corporate media, their paid pundits who dominate our airwaves,the “SYSTEM FIRST” cheerleaders,of the Wills- Hannitys ilk, and the President’s “boys” in Congress, all cover up the broken systems we suffer. Namely, the present forms of the economy and the political government.
When was the last time WE heard a commentator on TV declare we need a genuine democracy in all matters which affect our lives? Is Democracy no longer an American goal?
Consider … No democracy in our corporate work places. No real people empowerment in our civic lives. We, the People live to serve the needs of the autocratic corporations which also control our political system.. The Iraq invasion for oil is one recent example. Did anyone ask We, the People, if WE wanted to send our kids to die for EXXON, SHELL and MOBILE corporations??? But both Houses of Congress agreed with the President that corporate needs for Iraq’s oil was of greater importance than the loss of our kids’ lives.
The widespread bitterness Obama was pointing out is a fact of life in corporate- political government America. What to do? WE can Change this system to one of a genuine democracy in which We, the People, have a direct voice and vote in ALL matters that affect our lives.
It can be done. The Constitution enables us to legally and peacefully change our society from both the dictatorial and political organizations we now are forced to endure, to one in which We, the People have effective control of our lives…