Let me propose that the Union stands on the precipice of the greatest struggle of its history; a struggle that transcends what should be the limited geopolitical interest of the people of America with it’s far reaching ramifications. Indeed, a struggle that even in the fact that it is waged will profoundly affect the hopes and aspirations of all mankind. That struggle is for no less then for the national sovereignty of the United States of America, and the liberty of our people.
Before being marginalized by the proponents of the politically correct ‘Newspeak’; in their rush to protect the continued ‘straw man’ battle of Democratic verses Republican national and local politics, allow me a moment to point out the “man behind the curtain” that the “conspiracy theorist” epitaph has permitted to remain hidden. One would think a suspension of disbelief until the matter is heard would be acceptable after the machinations of the official 9/11 fable (unless your one shrinking number of those who believe the government’s assurances that the laws of physics, as well as any common sense, were suspended on that day), however the demonizing of any who have dared to even consider what may be behind the curtain has been thorough. Thus, my request for forbearance…
It was David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991 who said: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto determination practiced in past centuries.” This is why the powers that be are currently working to silence voices of opposition through the control of the internet; the last bastion of free speech, which is the bane of a one world fascist government.
Those same powers that be began full swing the “we are the world” campaign to promote “global conscientious” through environmental, religious, world political issues and ‘policing’, which was backed with American wealth and blood; at the expense of the further erosion of the whole concept of national sovereignty. With the lunacy of ‘free trade agreements’ came the passage of NAFTA, which even its proponents said was a huge surrender of the sovereignty of the United States. We now therefore are witnessing the beginnings of the North American Union, the dissolution of the borders between the United States, Mexico, and Canada; becoming region 10 of the ten region one world government (a little research on the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission is all one needs to verify this – and you wondered WHY the government refused to protect our borders with a supposed terrorist boogeyman scare?).
However, like past would be world dictators, the men behind the curtain misjudged the character and mentality of the American people. We would never have accepted the neoconservative’s call for a NAZI like American Empire, nor would we have long continued to believe the lies used to justify America’s continued “foreign entanglement” in wars for the security of international corporations. American’s basically harbor no ill will toward anyone, even with our avowed enemies – as long as they leave us alone.
Furthermore, with the ‘sacred cows’ of all political spectrums and segments of American society dropping like flies, the veil is beginning to fall from our collective eyes. When these facts are added to fact of the American predilection for “fighting city hall”, the men behind the curtain have realized the need for a ‘second’, second Pearl Harbor; this one to silence all voices of dissent through an American version of “Night of the Long Knives”, and provide an excuse to remove the ability of the American people to defend themselves. For it is only then that their plans for global hegemony could ever be realized.
It is therefore certain that ‘We the People’ do not need to organize a rebellion; the men behind the curtain will force us to either fight or be slaves. Nor can much be done but prepare and educate, as for certain any other course of action at this point would indeed be suicide. However we would be wise to remember in any preparations, that he that controls the food will control the hungry.
This brings me to my closing point; in the making of which, let me quote Abraham Lincoln: “... It denounces as public enemies, all who question it's methods or throw light upon it's crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the Bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe… corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money powers of the country will endeavor to prolong it's reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed." Which means that no matter what your political beliefs, color of your skin, faith or lack thereof you are neither my enemy – nor I yours!
No, our collective enemy is the “money powers” behind the corporations that have bled and robbed this nation since the days of Lincoln; the ‘men behind the curtain’. We must therefore unite despite our deference’s on the common ground of the cause of liberty; for if we cannot stand together against the coming storm as Americans to save our Republic, we will be chained together as slaves.