Some of us had to learn the hard way, like getting pulled over by the police and having a car full of open liquor. Or hanging out at a buddy's house right as he gets busted for selling dope. Tough lessons learned especially if you were innocent of any of these transgressions. Years later those wise words from our parents come back because of their foundation in truth. We were all young and stupid once, one of those bumps in the road in becoming an adult.
What then do we make of a person that keeps all the wrong sorts of friends and associates when they are an adult? A person who associates themselves with people like John Gotti, Carmine Persico, and Joseph Gambino would most certainly be thought of as being connected (aka Mafia). Like your parents said, you can tell a person by the friends that they keep. So we get to the crux of this conversation by taking a look at Barack Obama. What friends and Associates does he keep? Reverand Jeremiah Wright: an individual who traveled to Libya to meet with Momar Quadafi, the dictator of that country and considered by the world as a terrorist state; a man who frequently preached spirited sermons of hate and racism.
Bill Ayers: an unrepentant American Militant, who in today's terms would be called a terrorist. He was the ring leader of a radical group called the Weathermen, who fire-bombed judges homes, and other buildings a while back. When interviewed he stated that "I felt that we did not bomb enough people"
Tony Rezko: a Syrian born business man who is on trial for money laundering, corruption, and campaign finance fraud, among other charges. Last but not least, we get to Barack Obama's current and very active campaign manager, David Axelrod, who blamed Hillary Clinton for Benazir Bhutto's assassination, by supporting the war in Iraq and thus diverting attention from al-Qaeda.
Hillary Clinton did significant work on behalf of epilepsy causes for a foundation co-founded by Axelrod's wife, Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy. This meant a lot to the Axelrod family, as his daughter suffers from developmental disabilities associated with chronic epileptic seizures. Axelrod's wife even said that a 1999 conference that Clinton's convening on finding a cure for the condition was "One of the most important things anyone has done for treating epilepsy"
What type of person does it take to stab you in the back after you have helped their disabled child? What kind of selfish ungrateful shell of a man would do something like that? In this case David Axelrod is that kind of individual, an unscrupulous parasite who would damage the very person that came to his family's aid to help his disabled daughter.
Axelrod has often belittled and criticized Hillary Clinton in the mass media. Yet Obama continues to associate himself with the most undesirable people one can imagine. Hope and Change all right, at whose expense next?
Yes, these are people Obama surrounds himself with. You can tell a man by the company he keeps.