So, handouts have been organized, have they, of 200 billion here and 50 billion in the UK - of public assets, of course - to protect from total collapse the villains who - via criminally* unprofessional conduct - all sought to profit from the deliberate lending to borrowers whom they all knew arithmetically could not repay, and thereby have brought about the present financial calamity worldwide? And simultaneously the printing presses go into overdrive, do they, reeling off hundreds of billions more in pretty paper as forage for the herd to work for?
You do realize, don't you, that this additional mad printing of paper money simply produces further inflation, so that more and more of poor Joe Public, apart from being able to buy fewer and fewer of their essentials at their inflating prices, will have ever less left over to repay their increasingly impossible mortgages?
But the intention is good, is it, in that the twelve trillion or so dollars owed to China and other foreigners will also be inflated, and will therefore cost our financiers and manipulating masters of our 'Central Banks' less in 'real' terms to repay?
Yet, while ever-poorer Joe Public in ever-increasing numbers trudges with his family into a grey future, dispossessed - robbed - of house and home he cannot now pay for, the sheisters who criminally* lent him the money, the incompetent bankers who provided the cash to lend, the wicked middle-men who knowingly packaged this rubbish of hollow mortgages wholesale to the leveraging hedge- and pension-fund managers, who - for profit and those lovely commissions - then knowing lent this garbage to all our banks worldwide, and the villains who planned the whole shambles, these criminals* all escape scot-free. And they are helped to do so with handouts at ever more cost to us extracted now by the villains who perpetrated the whole scam.
Scam after scam after scam, and nobody says anything because they have been mentally stunted at school by the 'professional' publishers of education al materials, and kept dumb by the 'professional' media. And all in a system evolved and designed and institutionalized to favour the scammers and penalize the scammed.
The total involved at risk worldwide now runs into hundreds of trillions rather than the reported 'billions', and the recession caused can last ten years, probably involving another war or 'a few' to distract public attention from the villainous perpetrators, as has surely all been planned, move after move, as carefully as a master chess-match.
Yet hasn't 'Sir' Alan Greenspan been honored for - doubtless on meticulous instruction - providing the conditions to enable the whole scam? And we surely can't ask St. Dov, can we, to help us out by returning the 2.3 trillions (four times the cost of the entire Iraq 'war' so far, to give you an idea) missing during his term at the Pentagon for which 'the missle' conveniently happened to destroy the evidence, plus the subsequent trillion that just happened to disappear - for luck - during his next chore? Oh no no no, we mustn't hurt the poor devil's notoriously sensitive feelings by even asking him about that, must we? Oh, no no no! Other folks might complain at our thoughtless and all-too-partial heartlessness.
However, can we expect soon to see a Rothschild or Rockefeller or even a St. Dov or 'Sir' Alan in jail or the end of a rope where they all belong? Somehow I don't think I can advise you to hold your breath.
No, if there's any Justice anywhere, it sure ain't here in our beknighted world. But I will just ask you this, why the hell not?
This great swindle, this act of theft no less criminal* for being of millennial tradition, has to stop or be stopped, here and now! Can you give me even one sound reason for the existence of money while it is thus in the hands of these malignant vermin? - Or do you welcome just more of the same pain, century after century, millennium after millennium?
*On what grounds do we presume 'Criminality'? - Just read here the terms of the provision in law governing the recent lending activities at the heart of today's problem.
"Whoever knowingly makes any false statement or report, or willfully overvalues any land, property or security, for the purpose of influencing in any way the action of the Farm Credit Administration, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation or a company the Corporation reinsures, the Secretary of Agriculture acting through the Farmers Home Administration or successor agency, the Rural Development Administration or successor agency, any Farm Credit Bank, production credit association, agricultural credit association, bank for cooperatives, or any division, officer, or employee thereof, or of any regional agricultural credit corporation established pursuant to law, or a Federal land bank, a Federal land bank association, a Federal Reserve bank, a small business investment company, as defined in section 103 of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 662), or the Small Business Administration in connection with any provision of that Act, a Federal credit union, an insured State-chartered credit union, any institution the accounts of which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of Thrift Supervision, any Federal home loan bank, the Federal Housing Finance Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Resolution Trust Corporation, the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, or the National Credit Union Administration Board, a branch or agency of a foreign bank (as such terms are defined in paragraphs (1) and (3) of section 1(b) of the International Banking Act of 1978), or an organization operating under section 25 or section 25(a) [1] of the Federal Reserve Act, upon any application, advance, discount, purchase, purchase agreement, repurchase agreement, commitment, or loan, or any change or extension of any of the same, by renewal, deferment of action or otherwise, or the acceptance, release, or substitution of security therefor, shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both."
If you don't understand that, just read it again. It is simple enough, even for us dumb cattle. Too hard? - then just read the first and last lines.
So, why not just put all these criminals where they belong?