How do you like the 15 million dollar pro-war advertising campaign issued recently by the radical right-wing hacks known as Do you know that it is spearheaded by several former Bush administration officials including ex-Head Liar (aka: White House Press Secretary) Ari Fleishman? It just goes to show you that removal from office doesn’t necessarily mean an end to corrupt power and thuggish propagandizing. Quite to the contrary, these goons now seem even less inhibited by potential public scrutiny as they plow ahead, purveying their lies, all the while virtually unencumbered by any threat of accountability.
Regarding the advertisement, if you call the number provided on screen, which represents itself as a number with which to reach Congress, you’ll get an operator who will ask you if you support “staying the course” in Iraq. If you say no you’ll be hung up on. Gee whiz, maybe this ad isn’t what it initially appears to be…..hmmm. Then again there is nothing new about operatives of this particular political party censoring public input to “our” political officials. They propagandize “our” news with their lies and deception. They shield “our” president from throngs of protestors and then they hand-pick his audiences at political events. They Gerrymander districts in entire states and even fraudulently manipulate election results to insure their political victories. Deception and criminal action has become routine procedure in today’s repuglican party of deceit and dirty tricks.
These common criminal political operatives of the repuglican party routinely manipulate the political environment to their inevitable benefit by any means necessary, particularly through the use of unethical or criminal methods as seen fit. These deceptive television advertisements are just business as usual for these guys. In fact, these are actually among their most ethical of operations, or perhaps one should say, their least fraudulent. Never-the-less, here are but a few of the miserable and tired old lies and myths that these ads promote:
Saddam Hussein and the Iraqis were behind the attacks on 9-11
Saddam Hussein was working with al Qaeda before the war
Redeployment of US troops away from the civil war in Iraq is equivalent to surrender
The troop surge is working
It’s really important that we are victorious
If we leave now all of our soldiers efforts and sacrifices will have been in vain
If we leave now we’ll have to go back again later and it’ll be worse than before
If we don’t fight them there we’ll have to fight them here
Opposition to the Iraq war is merely politically motivated
These radical political operatives hope that these television ads will sway public support for the Iraq war. Also, their intent is to influence politicians who are home on vacation during this Congressional break. This current administration is concerned that several of their own party will break ranks this fall and vote to stop US involvement in the Iraqi civil war. Ultimately these ads are just a transparent attempt by Bush and company to coerce their own into towing the party line come the impending Iraq war funding showdown in Congress this fall. Ultimately these ads are meant to counteract what politicians are hearing from their constituency at home. These ads are meant solely to nullify the will of the people.
Are you tired of the repuglican lies? Are you tired of their condescending deceptions and their hoodlum-like tactics? Are you tired of big money bullying you into submission? Are you tired of unrepresentative government? Are you tired of continual repuglican efforts to further divide America? If so, call your Representatives and Senators using their real telephone numbers and tell them the truth about how you really feel.