Yet, so many children were sent off with lost souls.
Sometimes I wonder why some remained safe.
Was it luck, prayers or maybe just fate?
When I look in the eyes of those who were raped. My heart gets so heavy – I want to escape.
When will it stop and how did it happen? It is not hard to feel, the torment that shattered.
Without our mothers, life today would not be. They give love, protection and teach us to pray.
Why do we struggle to speak out for victims in pain?
Imagine your child being raped in your home.
My children ask why there are days that I cry.
It’s hard to find words that will explain to them why.
Do I tell them they too were placed in harm’s way?
What will they think and will they decide not to pray?
Church leaders continue to preach for each cause.
And, political enablers assist without pause.
When will they listen and look in the eyes of those raped?
Without government action, denied justice brings hate.
Our children must witness truths, without hiding shame.
Will adults take action or just point the blame?
Denying past truths will put innocence at risk.
Is this legacy what your children deserve?
cc: Pope Benedict - President George W. Bush