This is a new game I've made up called Fiddler Truthz. Respectfully named after a Right-Wing Non-Zealot friend of mine. How many "TRUTHZ" can you spot in the following short paragraphs?
"Serve your country" in this "non-optional" war, so that we can go to Baghdad. where the citizens will wave American flags in gratitude, as we free them from the grips of Al Qaeda. We can win this war. Even though you've been told that these terrorists have cells in 100 nations, if we have a "surge" of just another 25,000 troops, I promise we won't lose another 3,500 to the gravedigger.
Good Americans, stand up for YOUR nation by doing blindly what you are told to do. Corporations are the same as people and are only groups of good people. To deny them free access to Congress is to suppress their rights of Free Speech. You might think, because you can give only a limited amount to a candidate, and they could, conceivably, give him $50 million that you are not on square footing with the good corporations with the good lobbyists. You're wrong.
All is fair. Trust us. We are your government and we are here to provide security. The "left" were socialists. Then they were "communists." Of course, the "left" have morphed into Al Qaeda sympathizers. All of them, as a group, went through all three processes. And when France is the new enemy, the "left" are those who love France. Get it now?
Please, trust us. We are here to provide that No Child Gets Left Behind. That means, we plan to divest the public schools of their wasted money and give vouchers to "right-wing" private schools sponsored by the good Reverends, who have NOT repeatedly gotten caught having sex in taxi cabs with hookers and motel rooms with meth-inflicted f*ggots.
Some liberals have been spreading the word that the very rich pay less than 20 percent in total taxes, whereas the very poor pay up to 50 percent. This is a big lie, and anyway, we want to discuss only Federal Income Tax and not mention any of the other 100+ taxations.
Nobody asked poor people to drive (20 percent gas tax) or use a toll road or to buy soap (7 percent) at the Walmart. And if you want to know why the filthy rich stop paying Social Security at $90,000 it is because they don't believe in welfare, so why should they be forced to contribute to a communist system?
The poor are despicable. They have had more opportunity than the rich in our socialist system but squander every opportunity to become millionaires. Gates, Soros, Buffet and Turner are members of a secret elite organization that is run by Beijing to destroy Capitalism. They are traitors, as you know, talking about equal taxation and keeping estate taxes. What kind of sane person would give away all their money like these four?
We are at war. This is a war that will last generations because Muslims hate whites and Americans. You live in a great nation. What has hurt us, as you know, has been:
1.) Women's rights, and their latent lust for sex and abortions, along with their desires for equal pay which have hurt the economy, not to mention how loquacious they can be;
2.) Integration, and the infestation caused by allowing the Negro Leagues into the Majors, and giving Negros the electoral franchise;
3.) Hispanics jumping the Rio Grande;
4.) Non GOP f*ggots and homosexuals;
5.) Labor Unions, and the lack of desire by some, to send our jobs overseas or to headquarter in Dubai like the new Halliburton, which provides help to the corporate bottom line;
6.) And, mostly, the Liberal media, who are dedicated to the destruction of our families and nation.
Thanks much and GOD BLESS.