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New hope for rednecksville

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Gary Denson
Message Gary Denson
After reading Rob Kalls article titled rednecksville I found myself laughing at the accuracy of his assessment.His opinion that rural white blue collar citizens blindly support George Bush and the Right Wing,and would have supported Hitler in the 1930's hits the nail right on the head.I should know I have been an auto mechanic for 24 years and have discussed politics with the kind of people Rob observed in the Poconos.
I have an understanding of why these people believe this way becouse I too was under the impression that the right wing was correct in its values.Taking the time to read or watch Cspan for political news is something most people dont take the time to do.I certainly did not in my younger days.
Most people in small to medium town USA are Rush Limbough Republicans.Rush is usually the only political voice they accidently hear as they are going to hunt or play softball.They need to hear the other point of veiw from someone they can relate to, explaining the truth about the current Republican party.That the Republicans have only one agenda and that is to get down on their knees and worship the very ass of multinational corporations.They need to hear the truth from another good old boy that the right wing cares not about god,family or jobs,these things are just used to create the smokescreen to hide their agenda of corporated servitude.
years ago rural folks were mostly democrats,what I feel changed this was Bill Clintons bipartisan support of NAFTA and the non stop preaching of Rush Limbough.These people can be brought back to the democratic party by exposing them to the truth of the republican party.Tell them continually,in Limbough fashion,that the Republican party has only one purpose and that is to serve corporate interests.And they do this regrdless of the cost to America or its citizens.
Rural America is not dumb they have in a way been victimized by the retoric and drama of the right wing media.It happens to the best of us.Democrats can win them back by practicing real democratic representation and by being nice and truthful.

Gary Denson
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I am a 47 years old,married and have a 17 year old daughter.My hobbies are bicyling, weight training and off road motorcycling.I have lived in a midwestern red state my entire 46 years.Now that I have reached middle age I have become interested in (more...)
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