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America Chooses: Enslavement or Ron Paul

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Jeremiah Allen

The New World Order consists of the most powerful and wealthy people on the planet who control much of the worlds wealth.  They have a plan to implement a one world government so that they will have total control over the worlds people and resources.  This plan will also reduce the worlds population by over two-thirds!  One only needs to look to China as a role-model for population reduction methods such as 1-child policies and mobile execution vans. 

 In America, the right and left paradigm that divides the political spectrum is simply a tool to make Americans feel that they have a choice.  When the people get tired of the lies and deceit of the republicans, they turn to the Democrats.  Unfortunately for the people, more lies and deceit await on the left as Republicans and Democrats are on the same team, the New World Order team. 

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Except for a few patriots (see Ron Paul) who refuse to bow-down to the one-world-government elite, you really have no choice.  The Clintons, Bush's, and even the Bin Laden family all vacation together.  All tools of the elite "money Masters" of the world!

 The world is run by power hungry money controllers. They come from families that have owned the rights to print all the paper money of all the nations of the world. They print new money out of thin air and then they lend it to governments and politicians to spend and charge them interest on it,   In 1913 the big world bankers took control of the American money system through the Federal Reserve money system to a central bank could then control the creation and worth of dollars. However, the money is really not a dollar, it is a note, or a loan. It is called a Federal Reserve Note. But the Federal government does not run the bank, the international banking families do who have been paid all the interest by the IRS money collected over the past 90+ years and now own more than half all the world's wealth and industrial assets too.

 The manipulation of debt against the people of the world is a tactic to control the people of the world by placing them into massive debt through control of interest rates and the money printing system.  The bankers behind the "Fed" are some of the elites behind the NWO that hold secret meetings and conferences to keep the general public off-limits. 

 The following is a quote from David Rockefeller, one of the NWO leaders and one of the most wealthy bankers in the world.  "
All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

These elite families own and control not only elements within our own American government but also the newspaper, magazine presses, worldwide television networks and the "news" people that talk on them also. That is why the billions of people don't know about how the world is being run by this small set of hidden people. 99.9% of the American media is run by huge global corporations that are owned by these secretive control freaks!.  Pro-New World Order tyrant Rupert Murdock controls a large portion of the worlds and United States media which includes information outlets such as FOX Networks, HarperCollins, New York Post, Weekly Standard, TV Guide, DirecTV and over 35 TV stations!  This is why news sources such as FOX news will only promote presidential candidates that are working with the New World Order agenda.  Propaganda and fake news make-up most of the programming that is aired on national TV so that the average American will focus on issues that really do not affect them, such as celebrity drama, sports, and other mind consuming info.

 As a deception tactic, much of the mainstream media will put blame on politicians instead of the actual NWO agenda that controls the governments.  For example, George Bush is a puppet of the NWO.  The invasion of Iraq is a way for us to build permanent bases in the Middle East to enable control over that part of the world. 

George Bush has taken much of the blame for the war and foreign policy as people point the finger at him as being dumb or a bad decision maker.    An easy way to take the focus off of the New World Order is allow the press to ridicule the puppet instead of the puppet masters (NWO)!  Most politicians are playing for the same "team" as they are afraid to oppose the "masters" that actually run things.  For example, JFK wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve, which would have taken away the money control power of the elite.  We all know what happened to JFK.  Even Presidents are not safe from the "hidden masters" that really control things!

 People will say that the war in the Middle East is a mess and going terribly wrong.  The truth is however, that the war is going exactly as Bush and the NWO have planned.  A never ending war to expand military control into other parts of the world!  Thousands of American troop casualties and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi deaths mean nothing to the elite scum behind this madness!  It's all about gaining control and POWER!

 Elements of fear are being used to get the populations to give up personal liberty and to accept this false-war, and police state nightmare of surveillance and harassment.  These fear tactics include carrying out self-inflicted "terrorist attacks", as a pre-text for war and to take away rights of the once-free population in the name of "security". Anyone the researches the official story of 911 can clearly see that it is a fraud as the official governments explanation has been disproved a thousand ways. However, the controlled media says nothing that will expose this staged-event! 

 George Bush has now declared dictatorial powers over the U.S. population.  Concentration camps have already been set-up throughout America, awaiting the declaration of martial law to begin physical enslavement of the people.  Once martial law is declared, the government can take lawful control over everything including the once free people of the country.  If the NWO has their way, the people will be forced to take an RFID chip under their skin, which will allow total surveillance and control over them, or be taken away to a "detainment camp".   Either way, all freedom and liberty of the people will be lost!

 Gaining control over the United States could be the final victory that the NWO needs for total global domination.  Unlimited illegal immigration is being used to break down the U.S. economy and eliminate the middle class.  A large portion of the current US government has been bought-and-paid-for by wealthy corporate interests who actually want as many illegal aliens as possible to enter the United States!  Simply put, a third world country is easier to control than a country that has a strong and independently wealthy middle-class.  Illegal Immigrants are given government / tax-payer funded food stamps, welfare, and housing assistance so that they can afford to stay here!   Illegal immigrants are allowed to break the law, throw riots, and even murder American citizens without prosecution yet American citizens will be arrested and/or stomped-on for using free speech and protesting against the foreigner takeover of the States!

Erasing the borders between the North American nations will allow easier control over the now broken land!.  Currently, in the US, the North American Union is being set-up which looks to merge the US, Mexico, and Canada.   America will become a divided nation once the "La Raza" class begins it's looting and takeover attempt of major cities.  This mass chaos will also serve as a reason for martial law and a total police / military takeover to begin!  This same problem-reaction-solution strategy has been used time and time again as an excuse for a police state assault against even peaceful people.

 The Nazi Germany type control over America is now entering it's final stages.  The people of America will need to be disarmed through implementation of strict gun-control laws and massive gun sweeps in order to make us more easily controlled.  When the next "crisis" occurs, massive gun confiscation will take place, such as the gun sweeps that  were implemented during the floods in New Orleans.  Without fire-power, the United States citizens will be sitting ducks just waiting to be looted by the New World Order controlled military.

 Many experts predict the a biological attack will be the next major "event" to hit America which could be the final blow to enter us into a total martial law "police state".  Unless this plan is resisted by the masses, the New World Order could have total control over America within the next 1 - 7 years!

 Hopes of freedom are few and far between but presidential candidate Ron Paul offers new hope for America.  However, even if the majority of the American people vote for Ron Paul, it will be challenging as it has been proven that fraudulent vote counting activities have infiltrated the American electoral system. Just another of the many ways that the New World Order will lie and cheat to gain total control, TOTAL DOMINATION OF US ALL!

To win this battle, Americans first must free their minds from the false left / right spectrums that were set-in-place to divide the people.  Once the people begin to be free thinkers and not let the Republican label or Democrat Label make their minds up for them, then we can begin breaking away from the New World Order's chains that are keeping us trapped under a mountain of lies and deceit!  To this day, uninformed citizens still deny that the New World Order even exists.  This level of denial is shocking as even president HW Bush and Clinton publicly announced the NWO and Ron Paul has spoken publicly about the New World Order agenda!

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Jeremiah Allen is a writer / web editor. Currently publishes 2 information based web sites; USHOUSINGUPDATE.COM with news and data on the real estate market and a political site FIGHT4RUTH.COM that posts news about conservative, truthful, factual (more...)
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