Is it really possible that 98 percent of New Hampshire voters rejected single-payer not-for-profit health care in Tuesday’s Democratic primary?
Were all the pre-vote polls identifying health care as the number one priority wrong? Do voters really want more of our tax dollars going to for-profit health insurance companies, to their highly-paid CEOs, and to all those stockholders in the form of dividends, as all but one of the Democratic presidential candidates propose, and NOT to funding a single-payer, not-for-profit government-run plan, Medicare for everyone in America, proposed by Congressman Dennis Kucinich?
That’s what Tuesday’s primary election results in New Hampshire would tell us.
Did 98 percent of New Hampshire voters choose to tell the world that they really DON’T want the troops home from Iraq NOW – or within three months of Dennis Kucinich taking office as President next year? Is it OK with 98 percent of New Hampshire voters that our troops will be in Iraq until 2013 or longer, as the three top vote-getters in this contest have predicted? Are New Hampshire Democrats and independents itching for a confrontation with Iran – since Hillary Clinton, Tuesday’s top vote-getter, is the only Democratic presidential candidate to vote to label the Iranian military a terrorist organization?
Did 98 percent of New Hampshire voters really reject the impeachment of the Bush/Cheney administration, by refusing to support the only candidate in the race who has filed such charges of impeachment?
Do 98 percent of New Hampshire voters really like Bill Clinton’s NAFTA, and don’t want the likes of Dennis Kucinich, as President, withdrawing from that ill-fated treaty?
Are there really only 3,845 people in all of New Hampshire, out of the 278,660 votes cast for Democratic candidates Tuesday in New Hampshire, who expressed their support for marriage equality, restoration of our civil liberties, revoking the Patriot Act – along with the above-mentioned universal health care plan, rejection of war as an instrument of foreign policy, and impeachment of an administration gone wild—by voting for Dennis Kucinich?
If 98 percent of New Hampshire voters cast ballots for the status quo, for more of the same, are those chants of “change, change, change” just a plea for coins in the cup?
Or are you like me, an observer from the neighboring state of Maine, who thought it was strange that, all night long, from the earliest returns to the last, the percentages reported on TV in this race held constant, never wavering as the hours passed?
-40% Clinton
-36% Obama
-17% Edwards
-5% Richardson
-2% Kucinich/Gravel.
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