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Writer and political activist Jean Hay Bright is now semi-retired, running an organic farm in Dixmont Maine with her husband David Bright. Her two political books are "Proud to be a Card-Carrying, Flag-Waving, Patriotic American Liberal (1996), and "A Tale of Dirty Tricks: Susan Collins v. Public Record" (2002) about Maine's 1996 U.S. Senate race. In 2006, she was Maine's Democratic candidate who ran against U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe. Her 2003 memoir, "Meanwhile, Next Door to the Good Life," about homesteading next to authors Helen and Scott Nearing, was revised in 2013 to include a chapter on Scott Nearing's FBI file. OpEd News Member for 975 week(s) and 3 day(s) 18 Articles, 3 Quick Links, 61 Comments, 0 Diaries, 0 Polls
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![]() Use the 1st and 13th Amendments to Reinforce Roe v. Wade Plaintiffs challenging various state anti-abortion laws -- including one being heard this fall in the Supreme Court, should add the 1st and 13th Amendments to their arguments, to reinforce the Roe v Wade decision using the Court's own research and findings.
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![]() Suggestions for amendments to any state law that forces a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term One woman's suggestions for amendments to any state law that forces a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term. The other side of the anti-abortion argument. ![]()
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![]() Republicans, turn the tables with Medicare-For-All Hint to Republicans -- Want to keep the House and Senate in 2018? Pass Medicare-For-All. Take that issue away from the Democrats. They'll hate you for it, because they're counting on fighting you on that issue to get them elected next year. But if you blind-side them by passing Medicare-For-All, the country will get health care, and the voters will thank you for it.
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![]() NEWS FLASH: Electoral College Votes Are Based On the Popular Vote in Each State Winning the popular vote in each state is what grants a candidate the Electoral College votes assigned to that state. Yet the push this week is for the elimination of the Electoral College and going with the single national popular vote total. Not a good idea. ![]()
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![]() Thanks, Super-Delegates Despite the millions and millions of people who voted in the Democratic primaries last spring, it came down to the 714 super-delegates to make the final pick. Democracy in action? ![]()
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![]() Bernie, Stay In Bernie Sanders earned a place in history, as the first Jewish, Democratic-socialist to have his name placed in nomination for President at a Democratic Party convention. If he endorses Hillary Clinton before the Convention, he and the 13 million people who voted for him become a minor footnote. Bernie should finish the marathon, agree to be nominated, have his pledged delegates cast their votes, and have those votes counted. ![]()
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![]() Numbers Prove Sanders Has Earned a Path to White House Excluding the eight southern states and five territories that WON'T or CAN'T help a Democrat win the White House in November, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are within 10 pledged delegates of each other -- 1,249 for Hillary, 1,239 for Bernie. With eight more votes to come in May and June, Bernie most likely will pull ahead by that measure. So, how do the superdelegates convince Hillary to drop out?
![]() Sharing the Democratic Super-Delegates The Democratic race for the Presidential nomination looks very different if the super-delegate numbers are allotted, not based on personal allegiance to a candidate, but proportionately in each state like the pledged delegates won via the vote totals. ![]()
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![]() SuperDelegates Will Pick the Nominee It now looks like SuperDelegates will be picking the Democratic Party presidential nominee at July's National Convention, since neither Hillary Clinton nor Bernie Sanders will be able to pick up enough pledged (voted) delegates in the upcoming 21 states/contests to put them over the top. ![]()
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![]() Bernie Beating Hillary in Blue & Purple States with Delegates & Votes A closer analysis of the Clinton/Sanders delegate race so far shows that Hillary Clinton is in trouble outside the Deep South. Despite her strong showing in those eight states, particularly among Black voters, that part of the country never votes to send a Democrat to the White House in the fall--even when that Democrat was Barack Obama.
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![]() Maine's Angus King, running to be Governor of the U.S. Senate From day one, Angus King has been a spoiler in Maine's U.S. Senate race to replace Olympia Snowe. King is counting on the U.S. Senate to be split 49-49, with him and Vermont's Socialist/Independent Senator Bernie Sanders standing in the center aisle. In a split chamber, that situation would put King as the deal-maker. He wants to have veto power, just like he did when he was Maine's governor.
![]() Maine: Snowe's Political Fallout -- They're Jumping Like Fleas The sudden, unexpected retirement of a popular U.S. Senator has put Maine's political scene in turmoil -- again
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![]() Olympia Snowe -- Consequences of one election, one vote Open letter about health care to Maine Senator Olympia Snowe from her 2006 Democratic challenger Jean Hay Bright.
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![]() The Week that Is for Dennis Kucinich Texas, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire -- Kucinich is all over the map this week in headline-making ways.
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![]() New Hampshire Vote Results -- Are they for real? Things don't add up in New Hampshire. I cast my vote for a recount.
![]() Scott Nearing on earlier Hoover enemies list FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's plan to round up and imprison thousands of "disloyal" American citizens, details of which were revealed in a New York Times article last Sunday, Dec. 23, 2007, goes back many years further than the 1950 letter Hoover sent to President Truman.
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![]() Dennis Kucinich and Thursday's Iowa Presidential Debate Dennis Kucinich and Thursday's Iowa Presidential Debate
![]() It's time for a protest song Progressive Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate promotes Iraq War protest songs. |