The leading Democrats are outdoing themselves to be Truman Democrats, pro-war and pro-military. At a time when American support for Mr. Cheney's War is at 28%, why are Democrats emulating their party's most notorious war criminal, the monster behind human history's only two instances of atomic mass murder?
It was Truman who gave us the National Security State on February 27, 1947. During his regime, what Eisenhower initially termed the "Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex" was spawned, and the collusion between State Corporatism and the Military that had been so good for business in WWII was extended into perpetuity. "War is the health of the State," observed Randolph Bourne. Why not wage permanent war, creating enemies when they are needed?
Truman also set a precedent in overstepping congress' constitutional responsibility to declare war by lying us into a civil war on the Korean peninsula. Democrats followed in his footsteps; JFK and LBJ with Vietnam and Clinton with Serbia, cruise missile diplomacy, and a sanctions regime which killed 500,000 Iraqi children ("Worth it," according to his secretary of state). Perhaps it is unfair to single out Truman. He himself was only following in the tradition of Wilson and FDR, Democrats who entangled America in two world wars, neither of which was vital to America.
Where are the Cleveland Democrats? Why is the only candidate carry the mantle of Jeffersonianism a Republican, Ron Paul? Why is no one else talking about dismantling the Empire?