You know I really miss those kinder gentle times when we had to worry whether Bill, Monica and the Presidential cum stain and blow job would be on the evening news.
We could rest assured that the evening news would not be complete with out the slapstick gaffes, gaffaws, and prat fall's of the Repugs. trying their level best to keep the white house on the ropes for as long as possible by telling stories outta school.
Then came the 2000 election cycle we were younger then and maybe a little naïve after eight years of the Clintons and after twelve years of Regan and Bush, we felt that it was a time for a change. Little did we know what was truly at stake. We were as of then un sophisticated in the ways of the hanging chad or the possibility of rigged voting machines and nobody ever dreamed that the supreme court jesters would decide that fateful selection.
What a laugh those nutty Supremes must have had, leaving us with a bad Cowboy caricature of Alfred E. Newman as leader of the free world.
Yuk Yuk.
It had come to the point back there in the nasty ‘90s where even if you looked real hard you could not find a dimes difference in a dollars worth between the two major parties.
Nader looked viable for a moment then the selection machine kicked into gear and started grinding bones . For me I think it started when the debates were denied to Nader at the eleventh hour by artificially raising the threshold for participation.
Disillusionment began to set in when Mr. Class Action Lawsuit himself did not challenge that B.S. in court, so much for third party candidates.
All that was about eight years ago, Ralf’s still there playing the spoiler, Hillary’s still working the woman scorned card that plays well evidently. So well in fact that one of our super delegates up here in Alaska, a woman has openly admitted that she will vote for Hillary regardless of who is ultimately chosen by the party because she is a woman.
So much for my vote.
Obama comes at a peculiar time in our history, ethnic divides are running rampant immigrants are being frowned on with increased border security and our very own iron curtain is being erected on our southern boarder, feel safer yet? Obama say’s he is the candidate for change lord knows we need a change, and this man sounds like someone willing to try.
But in doing so will it put him in personal danger from the ones he would seek to change? I fear for him.
John McCain, the proverbial also ran, is trying to hold up the GOP banner as best as he can after eight years of staidly supporting his commander in chief as a good soldier does but in doing so has also claimed bush’s baggage. So those are our choices the Narcissism of a power hungry carpetbagger who has voted with the Repugs consistently or at best fronted weak opposition, Hillary. Or the ever trustworthy former POW who is firmly entrenched for the long haul of “stay the course” McCain.
Or will it be a long shot Reformer who’s youth and relative newness to the big time world of national and international politics is touted as a detriment by his detractors.
I guess that’s up to Diebold to decide.