I take the portion of Article 6 of the United States Constitution that prohibits the use of religious tests as a requirement for government employment literally. While serving in the US Army, I often quoted it in response to the attempts of superiors to jam their particular religion down my throat, even at the threat of court-martial. The religious beliefs of any candidate for public office, or lack of same, don't interest me in the least. Quite frankly, I know many professed atheists and agnostics, including my mother, who are far more moral and ethical than those who "thump" the Bible day and night.
Therefore, Hillary Clinton's performance on "60 Minutes" was nothing less than infuriating. This is a candidate who, desperate to turn the recent tide of defeats, will stoop to the lowest level of political baiting. The "issue," Barack Obama's religion. Her twisting, turning, Monty Pytonesque nudge-nudge, wink-wink answers, inviting the innuendo to continue, demonstrate the hypocrisy of a candidate who abandons any sense of principled campaigning when the going gets rough.
I earlier wrote an article explaining why I supported Senator Clinton in the New York primary last month. Had it been postpoed a month, my vote would change to Obama. This race must be about the direction this country will take in the coming years. Those who abandon principle for a few cheap votes deserve neither.