Gosh darn it I thought someone (on this list) said they were meeting with Dennis Kucinich on the 11th of Dec! I have been holding back trying to talk with Dennis personally because of that meeting!!! I know Bob Fitraikis is meeting with Dennis after the Holidays so I guess I will wait for that report.
I would recommend meeting and writing to all your Reps and Sens and telling them exactly what you want, forget about the various rewrites and political shenanigans, just tell them what you want to see happen here!!! I for one want Paper Ballots and Hand Counts for all Federal Elections, it is NOT too much hassle and there is too much money and power involved at the Federal level to vote or count any other way, period end of story!!!
The disabled can vote on paper with ballot marking devices and templates or take their loved ones in to the booth to help them! They should be as concerned as we are about whether or not their vote actually gets counted correctly!
I myself am writing every member of Congress over the Holidays. I send postcards or faxes to Wash, DC but I write letters to the local offices of all the Congressional people. At the local offices they are actually read the letters and they are not ripped up by the anthrax sniffing situation and then the letters are faxed to Wash so you get a double bang for your buck!
Private meetings with your Reps and Sens Aides are the single most impressive thing you can do to affect Congress, then comes calling Wash, then writing or faxing or emailing short emails are all equally helpful. So if you can make an appointment and take a few of your friends and sit down with the Aides to talk about the situation that would be very helpful! I am going to arrange to do that here in early Jan. with my group.
For now, I am still going to back Dennis's HR 6200 until I see what Holt is going to come up with and what Dennis says!!! So for now HR 6200 is the only bill I am at all interested in!
STAND YOUR GROUND EVERYONE! We know what it will take to secure our elections, WE ARE THE EXPERTS!!!
It is cheap, fast and reliable to count by hand just a few races, it is when the ballots get so complex that all hell breaks loose, so for the Federal races PAPER BALLOTS/HAND COUNTS!!!
Merry Christmas and Democracy to all,
Dr. Lora