Lets take corruption out of the Government
We the under signed know that it is the lobbyist that really run the country. We know that it is their monies supporting their candidates for election and in return, they expect these candidates to represent their own goals instead of the goals of the United States. These lobbyists are people who work for large corporations such has the drug companies and the oil industry but not limited only to these. We realize that this is down right bribery and we all know that bribing a public official is illegal and this needs to be stopped.
The "best" answer we have at this moment is to completely eliminate contributions to particular candidates. However, we realize that these candidates do need monies to run their campaign. Our proposed solution is to create a contribution pool were has all individuals and corporations can continue to donate monies for these candidates. When these individuals start to run for office, the monies from this general pool would be divided equally between all the candidates. This would mean that all the candidates would have equal funding and that a "bribed" official would not be able to out flank the other candidates. This would create a level playing field so that all candidates could put out paid advertising without being out gunned by their opponents. We would also hope that future candidates would tell us what they intend to do for our country without slinging mud at each other. This act in its self is childish and we do not want children running our country. Tell us what you want to do! We do not care about who had sex with who 20 years ago. For we ALL have sinned and came short from the Glory of our Supreme Being. Ye, who is without sin, cast thee first stone! The bottom line is that we all know who runs the country; it is the rich and their high campaign contributing "friends".
This must stop! Let's take the Corruption out of Politics! We also think that the States should follow the same procedure. Let's get honest candidates into office! Join us by signing this petition, PLEASE.
We the under signed know that it is the lobbyist that really run the country. We know that it is their monies supporting their candidates for election and in return, they expect these candidates to represent their own goals instead of the goals of the United States. These lobbyists are people who work for large corporations such has the drug companies and the oil industry but not limited only to these. We realize that this is down right bribery and we all know that bribing a public official is illegal and this needs to be stopped.
The "best" answer we have at this moment is to completely eliminate contributions to particular candidates. However, we realize that these candidates do need monies to run their campaign. Our proposed solution is to create a contribution pool were has all individuals and corporations can continue to donate monies for these candidates. When these individuals start to run for office, the monies from this general pool would be divided equally between all the candidates. This would mean that all the candidates would have equal funding and that a "bribed" official would not be able to out flank the other candidates. This would create a level playing field so that all candidates could put out paid advertising without being out gunned by their opponents. We would also hope that future candidates would tell us what they intend to do for our country without slinging mud at each other. This act in its self is childish and we do not want children running our country. Tell us what you want to do! We do not care about who had sex with who 20 years ago. For we ALL have sinned and came short from the Glory of our Supreme Being. Ye, who is without sin, cast thee first stone! The bottom line is that we all know who runs the country; it is the rich and their high campaign contributing "friends".
This must stop! Let's take the Corruption out of Politics! We also think that the States should follow the same procedure. Let's get honest candidates into office! Join us by signing this petition, PLEASE.