What if he does run?
Though immensely proud of voters fighting obstacles with such determination during the 2006 election, I couldn’t help how my trepidation gently drummed its fingers.
How safe is Al Gore in the next presidential election? I am not fooled. Please, don’t you be. “Progress” at the poles has bred wariness; once was, certainly, not enough to convince…though hope it gave. So can Al Gore meet with the same results as did newly-won, Democratic congressional and senatorial seats in 2006?
Don’t bet on it—but do give it your all. An Al Gore presidency…Please, someone, give me reason to believe that a fat cat won’t give it their all to drown him in a vat of oil. Though the environment does seem like the “be all and end all” of it, I remember hearing a Kerry, backdoor statement regarding the relief he felt when his “not winning” the 2004 election enabled him to avoid having to exercise any plan for handling the war in Iraq. Did anyone else get sick when they got clued in as to how he really felt?
Back to Gore. Can he do it? In the loving, encouraging, inspiring and memorable words of one my favorite politicians of all time, “We can do it.” Barbara Jordan, may you rest in eternal, euphoric peace—and then come back to save us.
Until then, Gore must. I mean, really. We’ve been reminded of just what climate change is doing. No humanoids factored in the confusion. Birds don’t know when to go where…and neither do bugs and plants. Bears don’t even know when to wake up. It’s become easier for NASA to engineer a method for growing plants in zero gravity. If scientists can figure out a way for plants to thrive more easily in space, can’t there be a solution for how they can still grow by way of Earth’s elements? Perhaps, we should ask Rod Serling. I know.
I’m tired of turning to the dead for answers to the dilemma called, “Who can bypass a terminally-ill voting system and beat the oil slick to the U.S. presidency?” We need to be able to trust the destination of any given vote. If we can’t, why should Al Gore run again? All the moxie in the world may not be enough to cut through an oil slick. Defeatism? No. Just a reality that most of us would not wish for Al Gore to face…again.
“It’s the economy” and “It’s the environment” are already pals. But they’re like best friends together in a room where no one gives a damn that they walked in that way. It’s not one or the other. And it must be both. And for Al Gore to succeed at another presidential run, these best friends must remain glued…and never leave the room.
As I predicted back in November of 2006, (a representative of ) the NDP (New Democratic Party) of Canada has spoken on the environment with Democrats and Republicans. Ultimately, while Al Gore is doing his best to help save the environment, the environment may return the favor. I don’t mind. Do you?