How many people have really thought about Democracy as used in relation to our country and its people? Now, the Biggy, how many have taken the time to actually look it up, in the dictionary, encyclopedia or whatever?
For those of you that have taken the time then you have had your eyes opened wide. Seems that this is no little thing. It turns out to be almost like an opinion, everyone has one. It is not an open and shut door.
Now, we have the democracy that we believe in as Americans, even though it is far from being a pure democracy. We have the Democracy that Bush is trying to cram down some foreign countries throat in the name of Freedom. While at the same time taking those same Freedoms from the people of his own country.
According to him the Iraqi people are fighting the aggressors. Let's picture this for a moment if you will. I'm trying to get my mind around it. We have Shiite's who are Iraqi fighting Sunni, who are Iraqi, and we have the United States who is the Aggressor occupying a Sovereign Nation.
We invaded their country with "Shock and Awe" bombing destroying everything in its path, man, woman and child going after Weapons of Mass Destruction that did not exist, then we saw one lie after the other trying to justify this Slaughter of Innocents.
After a few attempts at trying to justify what we were doing there as if the completely Illegal Occupation did not exist, They came up with the fact that they were bringing Democracy and Freedom to the people of Iraq. Damn Big Hearted of them. Their infrastructure has been destroyed, their libraries, their museums, their schools and mosques but we are bringing them Democracy. We even bring them elections after disallowing them to have them until we thought the time was right, in the mean time we make sure we have those people in place that we want to run for office in their country.
Does this sound a bit familiar? Maybe a bit like our own elections in 2000, 2002,2004?
Now, we have all this Freedom we have brought the people of Iraq, Democracy the right to govern itself and be free from aggression, so why is it with all this going for them they are at civil war with the United States in the middle. Did we not show them how to handle a Dictator, did we not show them how to have terrorists like Al Queda move in, something the Dictator would never allow to happen. Have we not made Iraq a training ground for terrorists, a problem we did not have under the Dictator. As for the Dictator himself, did we, the United States not also give Him backing? That is as long as he was useful to us. What Saddam was, is what We helped make him.
How come then there was no talk about Freedom and bringing them Democracy?
Back to this Democracy thing. Pretty much mis-named, however as we believe it to be practiced. Bush has repeatedly taken programs beneficial to the people of this country leaving those poor and neglected even poorer and more neglected. Businesses have left the country to take advantage of tax laws or loopholes left in them. The Ultra-rich have seen tax break after tax break Safety nets have been lifted from corporation after corporation to give the top management more bonuses, thusly less security and safety for the workers and consumers.
We have seen a two party system all but become a one party system, This through the fact that there are so many that have been there so long taking so much that they have not so much as come to believe alike but enjoyed thae richness of Taking alike and do not want to see any change in the Status Quo. This to the extent that they will slander those of their own party before they will allow one person who will think for themselves and do for the people.
We have seen those in office disgraced and leave office with full benefits just as if they are still in good standing only to go into work for Special Interest Groups or as Lobbyists. We have also seen those in office with family and spouse working in Special Interest Groups and as Lobbyists while they continually tell you it makes no difference. If you believe that I have a chicken with lips fpr sale.
In Our New Democracy we are finding out that Elections are all but a forgone conclusion. We can sit at home at tell who is going to be the winner in the great scheme of things. We see the millions upon millions that are spent on campaigns. We have seen time after time how the media has treated those that really do have something to say and who can quite possibly make a change for the better only to slander, slime and place their backing behind the Status Quo Group.
Now with the elections. I mean it is a Democracy we have to vote, that's part of the whole Shebang. We have machines that leave no record, no paper trail, no way to verify the votes, we have machines that can be tampered with by a high schooler. We have seen the counting of votes stopped. We have seen the Supreme Court step in and name a president. So much of this according to Our Laws being against the law but yet ignored by our law. It is to the place where there need be No Elections because it is clear that the majority is not, NOT, going to get who they vote for. If not through the Election count itself, then through Electoral College, thusly giving someone two votes, when all this fails then they have the loaded Supreme Court to fall back on.
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