This past week Bush sent one of his generals, MG Robert Radin of the Rock Island Arsenal out to do a media day to promote the Bush propaganda nearly verbatim to the party line, convincing us that this war is going to continue for a long time and WE THE PEOPLE need to blindly support the Bush 43 Crusade. Bush has been doing this with his generals. Even before Petraeus, Bush has had the guys with stars on their shoulders and more awards then a third world despot on their chests out doing propaganda gigs. Now, they are concerned with waste and fraud and assure us they are on it. Really? Where was that concern and investigation prowess as pallets of cash was being flown into the Green Zone? Didn't anyone think to get reciepts? Is that a giggle I hear at that suggestion?
Why don't these generals do a public question and answer session? We The People have a few questions MG Radin. How about starting with my concerns below your quotes? I promise to do my best to get your answers out to as much of the public as I can. Let's enlighten the American People MG Radin. Go ahead, answer me with facts, not rhetoric. At the very least general, go online. Answer the comments after your article. Will your War Profiteer handlers let you even do that?
'He also counseled patience for those who criticize the time and cost of the global war on terror.
"We've been at this longer than World War II," Gen. Radin said. "These are people who are trying to take down our way of life. That's not our propaganda. That's reading their propaganda. They're not going to go away. We're going to be at this a while. It's important for people in mid-America to understand what this is about."
MG Robert Radin, October 27, 2007
Quad-Cities Online
Yes, we have been at this war longer then WW2. We have the Village Idiot for Commander in Chief. Instead of asking Americans on 9/12 to pitch in and help, prepare for a long war, Bush told Americans to shop and not worry, let the pro's handle it.
I was on Long Island on 9/11. Bush would have had lines around the block at recruiting stations if he asked for a larger Army. He fired generals who told the truth, that we were sending too small a force into war.
Now six year after 9/11 the WTC is but a fading memory and it's too late to ask the country to understand about others trying to destroy our way of life. The flags everyone went out and bought are faded, CAIR has convinced us that Muslims are really just misunderstood, and Bush has abused his War President powers to bring new meaning to War Profiteers.
No Gen. Radin, it is way too late to convince Americans. What we see is two failed war fronts, an Army being worn down with broken equipment and over extended tours and a maniac who wants to open a third front...maybe fourth if the Turks go into Northern Iraq after the Kurds. You know the ones who supported us when the Turks wouldn't let the 4ID cross it?
No Gen. Radin, you should have given that speech loud, clear, and on national TV on 9/12. But, that would have been going against the giddy sentiment of this being a "cakewalk" and generals who don't follow the party line don't get promoted.
I am originally from New York and now live in Alaska. I was on Long Island on 9/11. I came up here to be with my fiance' who went back to work for the US Army to help with this war. See MakeTheArmyHonest to see that disasterous result.
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